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Tempted to Punch BM in the Face

StepDeux's picture

BM is such an idiot. SD had a great time with us at the family Christmas party, and on Christmas morning. BM was late picking her up beacuse BM had "a thing" with her own family (as in an argument or some drama) and she wanted to finish doing laundry. Yes, laundry was more important than spending Christmas with her daughter. As usual, BM couldn't understand why SO was upset that she was inconsiderate of our plans.

BM comes and does another drama over SD's outfit. She sent SD with presents for my kids and SO and I. SO returned the gift and asked why we would accept a present from someone trying to ruin our day. He told her, "I'm sorry you're lonely, but you're not messing up our day." }:)

BM sent several text messages about what an awful person SO is and that the only reason he can see SD is beacuse he pays CS. Obviously, whatever attorney she talked to knows nothing. Even parents who don't pay CS have a right to see their kids. She also said SO doesn't love SD for "forcing" SD to go places she doesn't want to (meaning our house) and said that SO completely ruined SD's Christmas.

In actuality, SD probably had a better Christmas than she does with BM. Big party with lots of kids, she wore a fancy dress that wasn't tacky, played with kids and woke up to open a bunch of presents. Yea, SD had a miserable Christmas.

Then BM went on to talk about how sorry she feels for my kids and that they have to live with SO. I was infuriated and really want to punch her in the face. How dare she bring my kids into anything. I really hope the judge grants the TRO soon, so BM can't continue to email and text stupidity.

I feel sorry for her. Sorry that she's in her 40's and on welfare beacuse she lacks the ability to manage a child and a full-time job. I feel sorry that her child has a shitty mother who is crazy and has issues, and is a pathological liar. I feel sorry that she brainwashes her child with lies, and even if SO wasn't in the picture, SD would be totally screwed up by this horrible woman.

Ironically, she also asked SO if we were taking SD on New Year's Eve. It's not SO's weekend so she, obviously, wants the childcare so she can do stuff.

I cannot wait until next month and the next Court hearing and to see how it all pans out. I really hope the judge tells her like it is. It would be even better if the judge actually gave SO f/t custody (like BM had been asking SO to in November and December). That would be the smack in the face that trashy broad needs!


Newbie2's picture

Sounds like a typical crazy BM!

By the way, I thought if a father wasn't paying CS then he doesn't have the right to see his children?? Thats what I was told to. Is it different in states? If my baby daddy wasn't paying (which he isn't) then hell no he's not going to get the priviledge of seeing his child whenever her wants to. Maybe I'm bitter on this since my son is 8 months old and still hasn't slept through the night and I feel like I'm going crazy....he knocked me up & left me, no way in hell does he deserve to see his son when it's convenient for him if he can't man up & pay for those medical bills, diapers, babysitter, etc or lose hours of sleep every night...okay I think I just started my own blog on your blog..sorry Blum 3

happymostly's picture

No, money is not the ticket to see his children. He helped make them too, so he has every right to see his child just as much as the mom does. But your right, if the dad just walks in and walks out of the child's life whenever he wants to, I would be bitter too, because that is not fair to the child they need consistency and its not fair for them to get their hopes up that daddy is coming but then be bummed out that he decided to have other plans. but your son is still young, so hopefully your ex will man up and decide he wants to be a full time father and pay the CS like he is supposed to.

StepDeux's picture

You're very wrong there. Child Support and the ability to visit or have custody of one's child are two different things. Both parents have a right to see their child - it's not a privilege.

I totally understand how you feel. It's HARD raising kids alone, especially when they're babies.
My XH is the same way pretty much. I do, however, let him see the kids when he wants because it's better for THEM and makes them happy. I can't use them to hurt him just because he's a loser dad because that would hurt my children, you know?

Nothing can MAKE someone be a good parent, or a responsible parent. For me, I just always choose to do the right thing and put my kids first. I hope one day you are able to heal. Holding onto bitterness and anger is like holding onto hot coals, we're the ones who get burned.

BTW, I have filed for CS. My XH having his wages garnished, or license revoked, or even being put into jail will be the consequences for him not paying CS or being responsible for his kids. }:)

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I have a solution. Punch my BM in the face. You feel better, I feel better, everybody wins!

Seriously, your Christmas could mirror mine. We has plans but BMs idiocy ruined them. Instead we waited around hours for her to show up. I made it clear to DH that it wouldn't happen again, and I guess I made it pretty clear to her as well. I sent her notice that she isn't allowed back on my property again.

happymostly's picture

and im sorry about your bm pulling a BitchMove by thinking that laundry is more important than spending christmas with her daughter and messing up yalls plans. Hope the judge gives you guys what you want!