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BM's Email to Me

StepDeux's picture

OneNighter (BM) emailed me last week to talk about the supposid custody switch. I didn't read the email. Anyway, I read it yesterday and had to share my favorite part! }:)

So, basically, OneNighter has decided that we should be friends and is trying to force us to be "one, big happy family." In her first "nice" contact with me, she said she knew we were going to be friends because she really likes me (yea, right!) and told me that SO and I should invite her over for dinner and -- the best part -- let her bring a date!

Anyway, in this email she closed with something to the effect of she had expected that we would take the first step and extend an invitation to her (as if), but since we hadn't she would like to invite us to dinner. WTF???

This was only days before her threatening to get her attorney, and blah, blah, blah and OneNighter acting like she has some type of dirt on my SO that will ruin our relationship.

People are so crazy. I mean, I've always known people are crazy but to see it that up close and personal. Wow... And OneNighter has no idea how off her rocker she is. She thinks she's this great together person who has just fallen on hard times (it's called get off welfare and get a job, dummy!). This image she has of herself is so not based in reality.

Anyway, just thought I would share. I don't know why but her email just tickled me so.


Doodle's picture

I would seriously just ignore all correspondence from her going forward. She's never going to stop if you don't. :O

StepDeux's picture

Oh, Doodle, I am. I am not talking to this woman AT ALL anymore. As of right now, I'm not even planning on saying hello to her if I see her. She is manipulative and totally attacking me and my family. I'm not being nice to her for one second longer. Plus, I really don't like her, so by continuing to try to be the "bigger person" and be nice I'm being dishonest with myself. I wouldn't be friends with this woman had I met her elsewhere and I truly do not respect her as a mother or a woman, so why fake the funk?

Doodle's picture

My BF is just starting the court battle, so I don't have a lot of experience, but I do know an a-hole when I see one! Biggrin

I imagine that I'll be in your shoes soon, and I'll be struggling with wanting to be the "bigger/nicer person", I just have to remember to go back and read here about how that just about never works.

StepDeux's picture

You can still be the bigger person by just refusing to get sucked into the drama. No one says you have to be nice. I do believe in good manners, so I wouldn't just blantly ignore her if we were with the kids and she said hello I would say hello back (for my kids -- not for her) but I'm not just going to say hi or chit-chat or any of that crap. I've had it!

You have to remember, like OneNighter told me, you are NOT on the same team. Even if you really care about your SK, she is on one side and you are on the other side. You are, for all practical purposes, the enemy. Alls fair in love and war. }:)

StepDeux's picture

No, she didn't invite us... she basically demanded that we invite her to dinner and let her bring a date. Not that we ever would, but if we did can you imagine how awkward that would be for the poor guy? }:) She's not dating anyone, so it would just be some random guy. I wonder what she would say, "Hey, do you want to come with me to dinner at the house of the man I had a child from a one-night stand and needed a DNA test to tell me who my kid's dad was?" I'm guess that wouldn't lead to a second date!

StepDeux's picture

Oh, totally. If we were "friends" she would try to find a way to use anything she could against me, or to cause trouble. I don't trust her farther than I can throw her.

WickednNasty's picture

Tis the Season I guess.

Funny thing is I received an Email from BM last night asking for the two of us "to get together so we could get to know one another". Puke, BM can KMA she has been nothing but nasty toward me and now she wants to get to know me. Please she hates me and doesn't even know me. Like I'd give her that chance. pfffffff

StepDeux's picture

I hear ya, Wicked! Before I was on this kick of trying to be nice, so OneNighter would feel more comfortable with SD living with us, but now OneNighter can just go and kick rocks. The fact is I don't NEED to be nice to her. There is a legal case and it is the Judge who decides what happens to SD. We don't NEED OneNighter to agree with us or even like us. And we damn sure don't like her.

Unhappy's picture

I think that ignoring her attemts to be sneaky and manipulative is a great idea. My BF's crazy ex after being one of the worst people I've ever met towards me actually wanted to pick my daughter up from school and bring her over to her house and take care of her while I was at work. WTF. She's lost it. Or maybe never had it to begin with.

She's doing what she's doing to have control or just being manipulative. It could be a little bit of both. Either way it's to get some sort of reaction. The best thing to do is treat he like a child. When a child is freaking out throwing a temper tantrum what do you do? I put my daughter in her room and ignore her. Eventually she stops because it's not benifiting her at all in any way shape or form.