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How to present SS's crap to DH without tension?

Apple's picture

Seriously, should I present the steamy pile with a garnish on the side ?
I'd rather not know if I have a choice.
SS19 announced that he got a job offer last week, we finally can get off his back, what he didn't tell his was, that is a part time job. I was in the same conversation, found that out when he was telling his aunt about the job, talked to DH this morning, he didn't know that either.
Came home found the DVR was recording "Adult Entertainment Expo", hmm, no, not going to deal with it myself. Report that to DH, was told why I can only find faults from the boy. Oh, yes, it's my fault to have this loser lives like a house guest in my own home.
He has no concept of personal hygiene, he occassionally wash his hands after smoke and wouldn't take shower regularly, just keep using cheap cologne to cover the smell. I have a 16 months old daughter that wanted to follow him where ever he is in the house. I voiced out my concerns to DH and again he just think I am stressing him out big time.
There were days that I think I can do everything, today I am defeated, I wanted out. I know I will snap out of this, gosh, why???
Why us, the step parents always find things wrong? I swear, I didn't go all my way to "investigate", I used to think that was how American kids raised (I was born and raised from a different country).
By the way, I was really upset with DH's response, so now, I am mad at him, and SS think I am a bitch who call out every single little thing, and we all avoiding each other now.
Yup, that's how we end our weekend, so I can really lookward to go back to work on Monday.


anicole's picture

Ah, I've recently been accused of something similar with SD... I get your feelings. I was told that I harp on every little wrong thing she does because I hate her mother. Which the second part is true. I feel that a 19 year old should be working full time if they're not in college and should have more respect for their parents, biological or step, than to record such trash in their home, especially with a little one running around. It's out right disrespectful and you deserve better.

SteppingUp's picture

I think this is one of those touchy subjects where you just have to pick and choose your battles. Is it hurting you or your daughter or your husband to have SS19 recording porn on the TV? Not really (as long as he's paying you for it, if it is costing extra, and not watching it in front of your daughter or something). Try to determine whether something is just simply annoying to you or whether it is actually causing any harm...then choose whether to "pick" or not. If the porn thing is an issue with your daughter seeing it, make sure your focus remains on the outcome and what can be fixed, not the "bad" thing the son is doing.

If you truly find something that IS causing some sort of harm to your household, then I think the best way to bring it up is to say it in a way that makes DH come to his own conclusion. You: "What is that smell?" DH: "I don't know." You: "It smells like garbage/sewer/etc" DH: "Son, maybe you should take a shower?" (I know that's probably not realistically how the conversation would go but it's better to try to get DH to say it rather than you pointing things out.)

ThatGirl's picture

Absolutely put a passworded parental block on the TV. It's your home, and if you don't want porn in it, it's your right to block it. He's 19 years old, not going to school or working fulltime? Then he needs to start paying rent. He definitely needs to follow the rules of the house. If he wants to sit around all day and be filthy, he can do it in his room and stay out the common areas.