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So I met BM and she screamed in my face!!

belle_27's picture

Wow!!!! What a meeting... First of all she refused to even act like I was there in my house! Then we were driving ss11 and his friends to there game and bowling party... BM just showed up to our house!! She yelled at me in the drive way saying I wasn't apart of the family and how dare I attend!!

I stood my ground n was sooo mature and just was mature! So we got to the place.. She then abused me again saying I was a total bitch that I came and was wrecking the party! Haha this was after both skids and all the party kids fighting over coming with me to the party!!

So went to speak to FDH alone n he said I am part of the family and it's our weekend n my right to be there! So I decided I would leave n let her do bowling without me.. So said to her I was leaving n that I wasn't trying to cause trouble I would like a relationship... Her reply " I don't want anything to do with you! It's sad my daughter has to have a relationship with u....and that I was embrassing !" I said was a smirk .... "that's fine but I would like to remind you that you are the one making a scene at a kids arcade !!!"

This lady was nuts... I was expecting her to be cold... But 3 different screaming fits!!! I was caught off gaurd... I'm just soo proud I'm so much younger and I was the sane n mature one!!!!


bebbo's picture

U nid to set the lady straight
Bt not infront of the kids
That way they won't hate you
Be patient and suggest to ur hubby
To arrange a meeting jst for the adults
N there now u set the records straight
With her neva n I repeat neva let
Her get the best of you as long
As ur hubby is by ur side she's got
Nothing on u she's nthin bt a bitter old
Lady whose goin cuckooooo!lol

belle_27's picture

I think I was so in shock I couldn't say anything back!!! I was just amazed this lady was going insane in front of these random ppl and didn't care! It was almost laughable!!! But when I left I was shaking in my car n called my parents who had all these fantastic come back lines! But I just feel sorry for fdh who had to put up with this daily for 10yrs...

Bojangles's picture

Your comeback in the arcade was just fine, you did the right thing making it clear that you wanted to be civil and constructive, and dignity is the best retort!

LizzieA's picture

Good for you maintaining your composure! The first time I met BM she screamed at both DH and I--she had invited us to the house. Then she ran out and drove off like a banshee. Then SD called me a slut to DH. Sweet, huh? BTW, BM had a BF but we didn't meet him for about 4 months.

halfstepmom2skids's picture

Bravo for staying calm and not reacting in front of kids. Next time, cuz she sounds like such a psycho that there will def be a next time, ask her if she would like to go outside and talk so you arent' subjecting the kids to such negativity, go outside and BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HER.

renae911's picture

Great Job keeping it together!!! I am sure that must have been hard. You did the right thing though; you kept your cool. SO it just makes her look more rediculous.

belle_27's picture

Thanks so much everyone! I was so disappointed in her actions and that she couldn't even act like a adult and I'm 17 yrs younger than her and I was the one trying to be civil !!! Today I shouted by fdh and I to a day spa and had massages n treatments and lunch!! We had a great laugh about her.

Anytime I had met her she wasn't going to give me the time of day and b civil! And everyone even the skids didn't even acknowledge her when she left! She looked lik a fish out if water and j was king of the kids.. I think she regrets leaving fdh but sorry if that's her attitude for meeting me then I can't even imagine what she would b like as a wife!! At the end of the day I really think not saying anything back n acting mature got her even more pissed off than saying something back!!! Fdh has already received 4 abusive txt msgs!!