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"do i have to go to daddy's?"

step-mommy dearest's picture

well, as most of you know me and X-SO are trying to work things out. he is still not living here and still does not know me and BM talk.
today I met BM and FSD at the park to play (with my new puppy Kooper)

while Kooper and FSD were playing me and BM talked...
she told me tat she explained to FSD that her daddy and I no longer live together. she then said that FSD asked if she HAD to go to daddys!
she dont want to. possible due to the fact that X-SO never plays with FSD when we had her, so im assuming this is not new behavior!

well as we were getting ready to leave (BM had to go to work) fsd came adn hugged me bye and said "mommy can i please go with FSM?
BM said no sweetie i have to go to work and FSM has to get kooper home.

FSD then started crying and saying "do i have to go to daddys"

it blows my mind... but at the same time, when we had her, he didnt have much to do with her. BM said when she would get FSD back at the end of the weekend it was me and FSM this and FSM that! hardly ever daddy this or daddy that!




Poor baby:( At least you know she knows who took good care of her and who spent time with her and such.

zenjetset's picture

How old is this kid? Ok, read your profile and 4...

ok, you have to tell you SO that HE needs to pay attention to the development of his kids. Afterall, it is his kid. However - - I don't know if you are in or out of the relationship with him so it's hard for me to tell you more...

why are meeting the BM?

Are you in or out?

I am not being rude, I just don't know what advice to give if you are not committed and still trying to figure it out. It's confusing...

step-mommy dearest's picture

BM told me that when it came time to go see daddy fsd would cry and not wanna go. bc she knows that all they do is sit at home.
well we sit at home too, but i play with her, we play with playdough and sidewalk chalk, fingerpaint and tye dye shirts and play go fish etc.

when he has her (before moving in with me) she owuld play computer games

I dont think SO knows she feels this way.. and i dont wanna be the one to tell him!
but idk what to do!
BM has same feelings toward the situation as i do.. we just dont know what to do or say

anita...sigh's picture

Why oh Why are you hanging with BM!!

You have been dumped by your BF, went running to BM and now you are encouraging PAS behaviour in the little girl.

You are young and I assume naive. Whether you think you are or not, you are stirring up one hell of a hornet's nest that's going to bite you in the ass.

If I were you, I would rethink your motives behind what you are doing.

In my mind, it is not unusual for young children to say they don't want to go to daddies. Don't think for one minute its because you are not there to play with her. It's normal separation anxiety which she will outgrow if she is encouraged to spend her time with her dad and reassured her dad loves her very much.

You really need to back off this situation, even if you and X-SO are "trying to work it out".

If you were really, really trying to work it out, you would not be hanging with BM and skid and concentrating your efforts on your relationship with your x-so.

I think you might do well to get some counseling to better understand why your self-esteem is so low that you find yourself in and contributing to this situation.

Good luck.