so off topic... but have to share...
I work nights at a hotel. im front desk clerk..well around 4am i hear what sounds like a howling dog...
i look outside.. nothing
well a few min later i hear it again! i walk outside and waddling down the sidewalk is a little puppy crying and shivering! so being the sucker that i am... i bring it in.. wrap it up in a towel and feed him some milk.. he is now curled up in the towel in the laundry basket... snoring!
I named him Kooper & Im takin him home!
- step-mommy dearest's blog
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i was just talking yesterday
i was just talking yesterday how i DONT LIKE inside dogs... but when i seen him... my heart melted and i just swooped him up and love him to pieces! <3
Maybe he was a gift that was
Maybe he was a gift that was sent to help you get through your difficult time...
If I dont have the money to
If I dont have the money to take my puppy to the vet when I first get one, my vet allows me to come in and purchase a worming pill that basically gets rid of everything for 3 weeks. The pill is very expensive for a big dog but relatively cheap for a small puppy. If I remember right, I only paid $3.50 for half a tab of Drontab* not sure if that is spelled right. I usually let my vet give my dogs their vaccinations but I have gotten them myself before as well. The previous poster was right when they said its not too hard to give them yourself but I think I am biased to my vet because I get the vaccination and office visit for $30. I usually like to do this because I get to see how much weight it has gained and such. My vet also makes sure they clip its toenails, listen to its heart and lungs, checks its eyes and ears, and gives a free bag of ScienceDiet puppy food on the first visit as well.
I think that God was
I think that God was answering the post from yesterday - this will help you through the hard time and tell you it is time to move on with your life - the puppy is lucky and you are lucky to have found him. I feel that there are signs everywhere to our questions and problems if we just look for them. Enjoy the little one.
What kind of dog is it?
Oh and I know it is our
Oh and I know it is our natural urge to give all animals milk, but cows milk will sometimes upset their belly so he or she may get a little upset tummy so dont freak out if it does.
If you think it is too little to be weaned such as under 6 weeks, you should try goat milk. It seems to sit on their tummy better and if it wont eat any puppy food to begin with and you get worried about its diet, you may want to try offering the puppy a little chicken and chicken broth. Sorry, Im not dog expert by any means, but I think my dogs have put me through it all lol.
this was a good start to my
this was a good start to my morning. Enjoy your puppy - they're sweethearts and turn into the best dogs. i brought my lab when things were tough in my relationship with a previous bf and she gave me the courage to leave because i didn't want her unhappy. the bf didn't like her and thought i was spending too much time with her and babying her. i showed him and she and i haven't been happier. My DH loves he to death adn often calls her "his baby girl!" keep in mind this dog now weights 130 lbs but loves to cuddle on the couch. it's almost double what a female lab should weigh but my vet says she's healthy.
this is your new kid - love her and she'll love you back.
its a girl... I named her
its a girl... I named her Kooper. She is gettingwormed tonight (it helps when you know the lady behind the desk at the vets office! made that phone call this morning! "Aunt Judy.....") anyways, to get a check up and her first puppy shot is only gonna cost me 15-20 bucks! she is a good puppy... only 3 accidents inside all day! luckily it was just pee.. she pooped 2 times outside and peed several!
she is eating a small amount of puppy food.. and LOVES pedisure! (its better for them then cows milk)
she curled up with me and napped for about an hour today... then was ready to play!
took her to see the ex today... she was almost a bonding tool for us this morning!
we both love dogs... and we didnt fight!
in fact he asked me if i would go on a date.. a real date... which is something we havent done in FOREVER!
I told him I'd think about it!
idk yet... not rushing back into anything!
I do agree that Kooper is God's way of showing me that everything will be ok! and that Im not alone!
Ill post pics later guys.. she is ADORABLE! and already knows her name!
*btw... idk what she is.. due to facial features, bodily stance, coloring, ears and paws... we are thinking part beagle (tail, face, ears) and part pit (wide body, short stubby legs, coloring)
she is a doll & i love her!
Awwwww! I love Kooper
Awwwww! I love Kooper already!
Picture is posted... not the
Picture is posted... not the BEST pic... but there she is!
I just love puppy breath!
I just love puppy breath!