ok... yall wanted updates! Heres a good one for ya!
Disadvantage of living in a small town all your life: you know everyone and see everyone everywhere you go!
Advantage of living in a small town all you life: your parents went to school with the local police and you went to school with the local police's kids! so you have that connection (esp the officers who have girls, bc we all used to have sleepovers all the time!)
I went on a date tonight with a boy names James (name has been changed) and we went to a little bar and shot pool with my roommate & her boyfriend. Well James's ex walks in and gives us both a dirty look. (None of us 4 were drinking.. just shootin pool! James and his ex broke up bc she has a drinking problem) Well she walks up to the bar, gets a double shot of crown and a beer! Then she starts drinking more and more... then she starts mouthin! Not at me.. to me... about James!
Well then my ex and WHORE walk in and Im thinking well this is a great way to start a first date!!
and of course WHORE starts mouthin my roommate! so we all 4 decide we are gonna leave bc its TOO much drama and we just wanna shoot pool & have fun!
so as we go to leave and walk outside I notice that My front tire has been sliced and ASSWIPE was carved into James's driverside door!
so we call the police...
"uncle" Ray (dad's old h.s buddy) pulls up and looks around.. well the only people inside the bar (its a monday.. it was DEAD all night) was us 4, the bartender, 2 old men, 1 regular, James's ex and my ex and Whore!
Well the officer aka "uncle" ray makes everyone empty their pockets & purses!
WHORE was the ONLY one in the bar other then James & My roommates bf to have a knife! Obviously they aint gonna mess up their own or my rig! so WHORE gets arrested and taken in for questioning!
Then us 4 decide to go to my apt and watch a movie and eat ice cream! So after James changes my tire, we head that way. My dad met us at my apt with a new tire (my cousin owns a tire shop & most of the family has a key, so dad called him adn told him he was going to get me a new tire and id be in in the morning to pay for it) so dad and james put on my new tire and then dad comes in for a beer and ice cream. Next thing we know we hear a loud bang... so we walk outside to James's ex in my driveway with a ax handle beating the tar outta James's truck! Call teh police again. Officer Ray comes outs and arrests her. I press trespassing charges and they also get her for destroying personal property.
James and my roomie's bf decide they need more beer now bc its been a hell of a night. me and my roomie say we will go get it from my Aunt Suki's store. so we go get it and talk to my aunt and tell her what all is going on and she says my ex was JUST in there not even 15 mn before crying he wants me back and cant stand to see me with another guy!
so we get the beer and head home. When i pull in my driveway there is my dads rig, james's rig my car, my roomies car and we were riving her bf's truck... but there was also a motorcycle! so we pull up and i walk in and am like "whose bike" and James said go to yoru bedroom and listen.... so i went to my bedroom (all the guys are LAUGHING really hard by now) and I can hear my ex outside my window crying and begging me to open the window (he was drunk) and i guess since my car was there he thght i was there and in bed or something! idk!
anyways, so i go outside and tell him to leave and he says no and my roomie.. calls the police...
i didnt press charges... but they did make him leave!
so after all that I was sure James would never wanna talk to me again!
I came to work at 2am and a little after 2 I get a message from james that says this:
"so tonight was pretty crazy! But your cute and I have fun with you! I like being around you and your dad is awesome! I want to take you to dinner tomorrow, or i can cook you dinner if you want to come over. either way i want to see you. i like you and hope we can see alot more of each other! I can see us going somewhere"
even tho it was a date from hell.... i cant wait for dinner tuesday night!
- step-mommy dearest's blog
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Small town drama is always
Small town drama is always crazy!
Date # 2 : Dinner at his
Date # 2 :
Dinner at his cabin (Deer Stew & fried tators)
Movie while curled up on the couch (Pure Country)
Cell Phones turned off!!
Only drama we had for the night... when we heard a LOUD bang! Ran outside (thinking we were gonna find one of our crazy exs) only to find a deer had ran INTO the side of the cabin! and knocked itself down! haha
the night was AMAZING! we laughed talked ate and he walked to my car like a gentleman! Then on my way to work he text me and told me to drive safe and text him when i got to work... not even 5 min later... I hit a deer! So now, my car is at the shop and Im driving one of James's 3 trucks!
At least til tomorrow when I get a loaner from the shop! He is such a sweetie!
Great story about a very
Great story about a very interesting life.
Some time I will tell a few stories about my own life in a small town. I went to Boarding School in a very small town and dated several local girls. Dating the hotties in a small town when you are not from there is not the healthiest thing to do.
Fortunately my GF's dad liked me and did not kill me the time I pulled up to her house late one night to drop her off from a date and her dad was on the porch having a cigar and noticed a used condom frozen to the driver's side window of my car. :jawdrop:
Though he did work my ass off during pig cutting weekend a few months after that and gave me several learing glances as he castrated the young boars.
I enjoyed your date story.
Best regards,