Should we keep a portion of the child support?
Ok so my husband pay's 750.00 a month for child support and we have now had the boys for 2 weeks. We have had to make TWO 18 hour trips..One to get them and now one to bring them home because BM doesnt have her own car and even if she did she wouldnt meet us halfway. Not only did we pay her the FULL amount of child support last month but we have been completely broke because we had to pay the whole child support amount while my SS's are visting us (BM has no job) She has threatened my husband that he couldnt see his kids if he didnt pay her the full amount of child support even though we have the children for two weeks which means more mouths to feed,more gas money..more everything. We are desperately struggling to get by as it is. Well, we are driving them back home Tomarrow and barely have enough money for gas to get there and back. She wants us to send off child support before we leave so she knows she will be getting it. The thing is.. We have had them for 2 weeks. Should we keep half of the child support this month to help pay for expenses? My husband is in the process of taking her to court to get a set visitation schedule in the summer. Since we have now had to move so far away due to my husband being pcs'd to another military base. So as of now there is no court documents that state we have to/dont have to pay child support while the kids are with us....Oh and here's a nice little incentive. She sent the boys with barely ANY clothes and told my husband we NEED to buy them clothes because they are going through a growth spurt and nothing fits them anymore....Umm hello,thats what child support is for..right? I mean she is 25 has no job,lives with her mother and gets 600 a month in foodstamps I dont understand where the money is going. When my husband asked her how much of the child support she wanted us to use on buying the boys new clothes while they are here she became irate and said "use your own money, I just bought a 200.00 laptop for our son and I did'nt ask for you to help pay for that did I" started threatning my husband with all sorts of legal action blah...blah...blah.. if he didnt send her whole amount of child support. I need all the advice I can get on this one... Any takers?
- Soldiersgurl's blog
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We definitly dont want to
We definitly dont want to get into anymore of a bind. This is just so frustrating. BM is a mess. The whole situation is a mess. I'm really not sure how to deal with it anymore..*siggghhh* day by day I guess
He cannot pay her any less
He cannot pay her any less than the court ordered child support. Also, she cannot withhold visitation in the event your DH did not pay the CS
Your husband has to pay the
follow the court order, if
follow the court order, if you feel that there needs to be changes apply to the court to request them. If the order states that she is responsible for helping to provide transport and she doesn't than she is in contempt and when the boys do not show up you can take her to court for those issues.
Doesnt mean that the court will do anything more than shake their finger at her though.