OMG SD18 decided to shower today!
This is a good thing! insert MASSIVE eye roll..... my gawd, she's 18 and hasn't showered in THREE days. I just got home from the lake to hear her in the shower......'bout damn time! What is wrong with teens that dont like to shower???? I dont understand it!
- Sia's blog
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ewwwww, i have heard that
ewwwww, i have heard that about boys, but usually, girls are "cleaner".
Maybe she got her period and decided she would shower... ughhh gross!!
yeah, i never really heard of
yeah, i never really heard of a girl not wanting to shower either, BUT SD20 always had problems doing it too. She was on her period last wk (over now), and DH had to MAKE her shower EVERYDAY! It's soooooo gross!!!!!
never heard of that, but this
never heard of that, but this is apparently something new..the not showering thing....
WOW... DH had to make the 20
WOW... DH had to make the 20 year old shower!!! :jawdrop: i'm 21!!!!!! lol
well yes, but he also had to
well yes, but he also had to make SD18 shower last week
she brushes her teeth every
she brushes her teeth every day and makes sure her hair is PERFECT, sans the oil..... }:)
Hey now, be kind to the
Hey now, be kind to the Brits!
My family bathes once a day at least......not sure if that's a british thing, but it sure is nasty!!!!! ICK
My husband's daughter is the
My husband's daughter is the same way. She'll go for weeks at a time without bathing or washing her hair and never brushes her teeth. Today I finally had enough and threatened to run her through the car wash. A person can handle just so much stink.
My wife's family is German
My wife's family is German and I know for certain that they don't shower everyday. It also seems like a US Senator, Daniel Patrick Monyahan (sp) grew up in Europe and bathed infrequently, even wrote about it.
Score one for the Yanks!
Especially girls.. they
Especially girls.. they normally are very clean. No idea what her issues are.. might be that bipolar gene that she carries.
Now at least you dont have to hold your nose and breath when you go by her!!! lol at least not for a couple more days
I remember when I was a
I remember when I was a teenager there were a few times well that my parents had to try to get me to shower everyday.
I think I refused sometimes, just because they nagged me and I knew it would annoy them.
I think also, I just didn't sometimes when I knew I would just be home all weekend not doing a thing and not seeing anyone (except immediate family).
I think also, I did it sometimes when I was depressed and just didn't care to do anything at all!
They tease me about it up to this day!
And I really do have to laugh at my silly teenage self!