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THANK goodness!!!

Sia's picture

Wow, I am so surprised, but happy none the less! SD has showered 3 times this week! Twice yesterday alone! Plus, pornoboy broke up with her.... sorry she is hurting, but glad he's gone! He was a thug and a loser! WooHoo!


starfish's picture

maybe she's cleaning up so she can hook a good guy.... kinda hard to get a new bf if you walk around stinking...

Sia's picture

hahahaahahaah that made me laugh so hard!!! You might be right!!!! Eeeek be careful what you wish for right? I might have to re-think that! }:)

sweetthing's picture

yeah! no stinky kids. I am sorry but my stepson bathe every day & they are 10 & 12 year old boys.

starfish's picture

speaking of stinking, my ss has just recently developed a case of god awful bo.... the stinch turns my stomach.. but i don't think i have smelled anything as bad as sd's feet --- before the tree huggers start bashing me for smack talking the skids, even mil & dh has stated how horrific smelling her feet/shoes are.

Sia's picture

HEHEHEH Vic, but remember pornoboy lived 500 miles away, so unless he smelled her from there...I doubt it. He said something about "finding God"??? His family is uber religious and she's not, so I think family probably got to him....