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How long would you wait?

AlexandraL's picture

Things are not as I want them with my BF. Long story but his life wasn't and still isn't ready for me. Many times I've tried to end things but I love him, which is why I am still with him. That being said, lately I feel indifferent re spending time together. We've gone from living together and dreaming of getting married to seeing each other sometimes just once a week. I moved my kids and left a good job to be with him (he couldn't move because he's got a 50/50 custody situation and BM lives in this town) -- needless to say, the job I got here I lost after the new year d/t the economy and am still trying to find work...

Anyway, up until the last week my boyfriend has been very noncommittal re changing things/making plans to change things with SD, his mother, who is constantly up his butt and calling him for stupid shit when we're together, asking where he is, etc.(he is in his 30s and lives at home, and up until this past week he's been thinking he'd be staying there until SD decides to live with her mom full time or, perhaps even until she is 18! She looks to him for many things because her BF doesn't meet all her needs)and his finances (can't afford to live on his own d/t his divorce and 50/50 situation...and so is dependent on his mom slightly financially -- lives rent free and she provides child care for SD).

So, now he's had an epiphany that he's going back to school, wants to be debt free and live on his own in two years. These are all things I've been pushing for but now suddenly it's his idea.

My question is, why don't I feel excited and hopeful? I feel numb and sort of indifferent. I don't feel excited to see him or do anything together anymore.

Also, how long is a reasonable amount of time to wait to see if things get better? We've been together 2.5 years now...and the last year has been unhappy. I asked them to move out of my house because I could not live with SD (an only child whose been doted on) and the dysfunction surrounding her and her mother (hypochondria, an unhealthy and irrational fear the child was sick, would become sick, or would be harmed), was tired of paying for everything related to our house, tired of feeling my house was taken over, and tired of dealing with an unstable, intrusive BM.

My Bf says things are better but I am never around to see whether this is true. Actually, I've spent time with SD in the last month and she seems just as spoiled as ever. His mom is a nice woman but a pain in the ass. I am just wondering with SD, BM, and his mom, how my BF can ever have an exclusive relationship with me.

He seems like he's waking up but I feel dead. I am stuck in limbo and have been for a year. I love my boyfriend and aside from the stuff he's starting to work on, he's a wonderful hardworking man, who is wonderful and loving to my kids, helps me with things in my house, is loving to me, etc. Still, I just feel numb.

I am not sure if it is just that we've been together for a while and I feel dead because we're not moving forward...can't move forward. I can't seem to get past my resentment and hurts from the past re SD and BM. I am seeing a counselor and we've gone to couple's counseling and are considering going again S/T to gain some understanding on whether we should stay together or not -- whether it is workable. He knows I do not like his daughter and it causes resentment on his end.

So, just wondering how much longer you'd stick around if you were me. Also, what do you think feeling numb means? I feel like I cannot move forward, but also cannot let go.


mommyamor's picture

I am right there with u my friend and it's hard when u love that person... Sad But luckily we still have that lil light at the other end of the tunnel to look forward too... Smile Just gotta do what it takes to get there hun...even if it means laying down the cards and saying I give up. It's been 5 yrs and it's still not where I need it to be. It's like they take two steps forward and ten steps back and where back at square one. It's exhausting to say the least.

Rainbow.Bright's picture

I feel like I can relate to your post. It seems a lot like my past relationship.

Honestly, I think you are in love with the idea of what you think this man could be, and not in love with him as he is. There is a difference in growing with someone through life... and waiting for someone to grow up.

I can't tell you what to do, lord knows I didn't listen to anyone who was close to me at the time, but if I could do it all over again, I would have just let go so much sooner and saved myself the time and trouble. After it all fell apart anyway, I started looking for suitable men who actually lived and breathed what I needed from them and not someone who just talked about it, or who was complacent with a situation I couldn't live with.

I think the answer has to come from you really. If you can accept him as is with all he has going on; then working on the relationship to communicate better is a good thing. But if you are waiting on him to change his life, so that "one day" you'll have the relationship that you need, that's a huge problem!

AlexandraL's picture

Thanks Rainbow...your last paragraph is very helpful. I can't accept him with the baggage he currently has going on -- he knows it and so do I. It's not fair to him and it's not fair to me. I am waiting for him to change his life so we can have the relationship I want and need.

AlexandraL's picture

Well, I am 40 and I would like to get remarried someday. I don't feel I have forever to wait. My BF is also significantly younger than me so he's got, he's a man.

We're way behind where we were in the beginning. Things just don't feel right and haven't for over a year.

How much longer are you planning to wait for things to be better? Are you married Mommy?

AlexandraL's picture

Thanks Steve.

I do feel resentment in that saving our relationship is not enough to get him moving to change things...especially after everything I've changed to be here with him. All the things I've asked for are things that directly benefit him -- they're not selfish demands on my part -- he is the one who will reap the most reward from the changes I am asking for -- changes that I NEED.

He said wants to change things for HIMSELF but that of course he considers me in everything he does. I said I'm confused. I said I'm really waiting to hear, "Alex, I am doing this for our relationship" and he said he was sorry he hasn't said that, but he has to do things at his own pace. I said it sounds like a lack of committment to the relationship and it makes me wonder if this is right...

mommyamor's picture

Alexandra...I made a post called "An A$$ for a SO"...simply because he's moving at the pace of a donkey. No we aren't married nor do i wish to get married under these conditions.

Shannon61's picture

You moved your kids for him, and gave up your job for him and now HE can't commit to working toward building a future with you? His plans sound vague at best.

It appears that his SD and DM are his top priority not a future with you. I think the reason you feel indifferent at this point is that after all the drama you've been through, your spirit has been broken.

I hope the counseling will help you reach a conclusion that benefits you the most . .because you've given up the most and you deserve it. Smile

Good luck.

HennyPen's picture

You say the relationship has been unhappy for a year, but you continue to try because you love you love who is now or who he was? If you can't love who he is now then you have your answer.

another thing that stuck out was your line about having an exclusive relationship with him due to his SD and mother. With men with children..we never, ever get an exclusive relationship and that is either something you are willing to do or aren't.

A friend of mine went through a break up and she described her relationship as dying, she said why stay until the death of the relatinship when it's already dying. She divorced and is quite happy now. I thought that was an interesting way to look at it, your relationship has literally went backwards, seperate houses, less time together... that is why I question what you love about him. If it's the him he was, it sounds like that person is gone and not to return.

sorry you're having such a hard time of it, you sound giving and loyal and deserve the same in return.

AlexandraL's picture

Henny, I think I am hanging onto what was, our dream, and how happy we were in the past vs. my BF. I do love him, but I really didn't know the whole picture until just before I moved here/moved here. I love him as a person, but do not like how he deals with his life/situation.

I have two kids...I am capable of having an exclusive relationship with a man. My father is not up my butt calling, butting in, I am not dependent on him for any facet of my life, my exH is respectful of my relationship with my BF and my life and is never intrusive, has no day-to-day affect on my life (but he has the kids only EOW, not 50/50 but still, he's not up my butt micromanaging my parenting/talking about kids like BM is with BF re SD), I am financially stable even though I lost my job because I SAVED money and am staying afloat at the moment, my kids do not have emotional issues. In other words, my only "baggage" is that I am a mom, but my ex is so out of my life it is like I was never married. Why is it that men can't really give us the exclusivity we want when we can bend Heaven and Earth to be 100% theirs, to put them first. I don't get it.

Your friend has a good point with her's very sad to see something that was so beautiful and hopeful be just a shadow of what it was and what it could be. We still love each other, but the situation and all our fights over the situation have eroded things over time. I'd like to be his friend and it is very difficult to say goodbye to someone when you love them, but I'd hate to ruin what is left of the good. Maybe I need to leave soon.

Maybe someday we can be together, but probably not now. I wouldn't end things hoping/thinking we could get back together though...

HennyPen's picture

well nothing is ever written in stone and maybe things will turn around, he'll be more independent of the controlling Mom and be able to build a life with you as you deserve.

I can also understand wanting to hold on to something because at one time it was so wonderful and I hope you can find that again.

AlexandraL's picture

Vickimiester -- I have considered antidepressants. I've had lots of stress -- moving, starting a new job, trying to blend a family, BM, having BF and SD move out, trying to make things work, losing my job, and most recently a health scare with my son (turns out testing showed he was ok). Yes, I have been depressed but haven't taken anything because it is all situational...and I feel a little better lately...