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BM is losing her mind... lol

lynneranne's picture

So recently my BF asked BM about a new guy who has been hanging around. This guy has been with her to pick up SD1 three times in a row. BM said that he is "just a friend and that she feels bad cause he doesn't have a lot of other friends and she was trying to get rid of him." Last night when they came to pick up SD1 BM whispered something to him, his reply was "Its up to you how much you say." Then she says that he is looking at buying a house and apparently there are rentable rooms in the house where she is intending on moving to.

I know its not really my business but shouldn't she not move into a house where someone she wants to get rid of lives. Also BM does NOT have a job. So I am wondering how she is planning on paying rent... Personal favors maybe... I hope for SD1 things work out but BF and I are still worried about the living situation. There isn't really anything we can do about it, but its just amazing to see how BM's mind works... lol

On another note. My BF is really only my boyfriend at this stage, however he did make me smile and got me a promise ring and said as soon as he can hes gonna replace it with a real one. Smile Its nothing fancy, but its one of those things that just makes me feel like he really does want me forever. Smile Its after things like that I feel like I can handle BM for 16 more years...


Pantera's picture

Congrats on the ring. Thats sweet.

Our BM did the same thing. She told DH that she was moving into a house with a guy she had been seeing but she was just renting a room and they weren't together. I think this was her way of not telling DH she had a boyfriend so she could try to keep him on the back burner so he would run for her every call (SS needs this, I need money, ect.). She did in fact move in with her boyfriend. So maybe your BM is doing the same thing or she just feels weird about telling your FH she has a new man.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

lynneranne's picture

Probably. I just find it odd that she just wont say something. The last two guys she was with she brought them over and did a whole introduction thing. This is just odd to me. I think it might be cause she is afraid its not gonna work or something so she is covering. FH said that hopefully when SD is older she will see that he has been more stable and want to come stay with him on her own. Its one of those I guess we will see things. Smile

Life isn't about the days you have, its about what you do with the days you have.

Rainbow.Bright's picture

My hubby bought me a promise ring when we were together for 6 months in the beginning. Some people think it's stupid but I love that ring. I still have it. Congratulations!

On the other issue, unfortunatly you just have to hope that the situation works out. In ours SD bounces around all the time with her mom, and BM is a violent screaming fighter with her boyfriends. and has no qualm about doing it in front of SD. But there is nothing you can do. It sucks!

Snowbunny's picture


PrincessFiona's picture

Congrats on the ring!

I think promise rings are sweet....but then I'm the sentimental type. I have the promise ring my grandfather gave my grandmother all those years ago.