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lynneranne's picture

Ok so I was worried about this doctors appointment my BF was going to with BM and SD1. It was her 18 month check up, she was getting shots... I guess BM didn't tell BF that and he called me PISSED at her this morning.

SD1 is teething REALLY bad, so she didn't sleep well last night, so he was up with her, then at the doctors they gave her 4 shots. She is not a happy camper and BF is overwhelmed, I cant go help until after work at 4:30. His main problem was that he only gets a few days with his daughter and because BM scheduled this appointment on his day so now he has to deal with SD1 being in pain all day. I feel bad for him, however, I am quite happy that BM pissed him off. It just makes me more confident that he really does like me better.

Just to clarify, I do feel bad for SD1. I wish I could take her pain away.

On a side note, we got to see SD1 throw her first temper-tantrum last night. It was funny. She was watching her aunt play with the cat with a yard stick that had a string on the end, then she wanted to do it. We let her, she kept poking the cat, so aunt took the stick to show her how to do it. SHE DID NOT LIKE THAT! She jumped, screamed, cried, turned red, rolled on the floor. We all laughed, eventually she calmed down and we gave it back, she did better that time... lol

Another first happened last night. SD1 kicked the cat after the yardstick was put away for the night. BF told her not to do it. Then she did it again. BF was going to just say not to do it, when I stood up, picked her up and placed her cute little but in time out on the chair. She cried, tried to get up, all that good stuff. And BF's mom said "Good Job" she never approves of me doing things to SD. I was surprised. I asked SD if she was gonna be nice to the cat and when she finally said yes, I pulled her off the chair hugged her and let her go. It was nice to feel like I did something right for once... lol Smile


JustAnotherSM's picture

Tell DH to try a dose of Tylenol for your SD. It should help with the pain. (My dr. offered this advice when my sons got their shots.)

lynneranne's picture

I already got him on that. He had to feed her first, but yea, I know about Tylenol. When he called me he was feeding her, so he said he would give her some when she was done eating.

Also thats what I give her for her teething. BM sends her with orajel, but that only works for a couple minutes. Sometimes I wonder about BM but you know... lol

Life isn't about the days you have, its about what you do with the days you have.

MeanOleMe's picture

Unfortunately part of being a parent (the not so fun is dealing with things like shots, and unhappy kids. Like working mom said give her a dose of Tylenol, or Motrin (Motrin lasts longer).

"I will not take responsibility, where I do not have authority." ~ MeanOleMe

lynneranne's picture

I know it is. I thought he understood that SD was getting shots today. But I guess not. He said he doesn't mind being with SD when she gets her shots, but he feels like he is getting shorted a day which bothers him alot.

Life isn't about the days you have, its about what you do with the days you have.