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Great Lawyer visit. Whoooo!

StepMadre's picture

So we talked to our lawyer today, who is a total badass and she was wonderful and very helpful and supportive. She is even more optimistic than we are about the success of our suit and I trust her because she has been my family's lawyer for a long time and doesn't give false hope. If anything she tends to lean towards pessimism, but she thinks we will have no problem getting exactly what we want.
I didn't realize this, but all of BM's crap that she has pulled with neglecting the skids and exposing them to extremely unsavory people will actually help our case. I was under the impression that the courts don't care about that stuff, but after giving all the details to our lawyer she said that the major illegal and neglectful things BM has done will actually play a huge part in helping us win our case. Apparently the stuff BM has done (which isn't just hearsay, but has been documented by neutral third parties and is a part of the public record) is even worse than I thought in the eyes of the law. We have a great case without all BM's crap, but her stupid, selfish and ridiculously bad choices will actually come back to her and screw her over. It's so satisfying. It's not over yet, but things are looking great and it's so great that the things BM has done will actually be biting her in the ass after all. She has always acted like she can get away with anything and because of the fact that she pushed two kids out of her floppy hoohah she automatically gets to do whatever the hell she wants with no consequences, but it's looking like justice will finally be catching up with her. We have so carefully documented everything and had the 'better safe than sorry' attitude and she has had the "i'm the mom, so I'll get whatever I want' attitude and that's going to work to our advantage. She is completely disorganized, stupid, financially irresponsible and ignorant and we are taking full advantage of it. }:)
Anyway, I am pleased as punch with how things are going and H and I are going to go at BM with everything we have to make sure that the skids get the good life and stable home that all children deserve.
I'll post updates as things unfold, but so far, so good. HELL YEAH.


Stick's picture

Ahhh it's good to see someone reap what they sow. I am happy for you... but even more happy for those skids!!

imagr8tma's picture

I hope it all works out in your favor...... Hopefully you will get in court asap.......

Please let us know what happens....

Milomom's picture

Yay Stepmadre!! I wish all the best for you & DH and skids. I tell you, the more you document, document, document, the better off you'll be in the long run. Everyone should take a good lesson from that. I remember in the beginning of my BF's divorce (which was eventually dragged out an additional 2 yrs by BM for NO. REASON. WHATSOEVER.) his lawyer advised him to keep a daily journal and to log & document everything, because "you never know how long it will take to get to court & if you'll need to prove to a judge what you need against her, and you'll NEVER remember events that happen, in detail, 1, 2, 3 years later, even if it's a LARGE matter and you think you'll never forget, trust me, you will.". I must admit, that was the best legal advice that crappy lawyer ever gave my BF back then.

BTW, gotta love your "floppy hoohah" expression!! I almost peed when I read that...and I knew exactly what you were saying & agree with you completely.