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Well that backfired.

girlmeetsworld714's picture

A couple weeks ago, SO had a very interesting conversation with his lawyer. She was in contact with his child support case worker to get a complicated situation worked out there. I guess she and the case worker developed a pretty decent relationship while trying to work out the child support issue and have been talking with each other kinda regularly. Anywho, BM2 (the crazy one) called up their case worker to try to get more money out of SO. She told the caseworker that he got a raise and failed to report it (her attempt to get him in for a modification meeting). Caseworker asked how she knew about the raise and BM told her that she's best friends with his other kid's mom and SO told BM1 about the raise but not her. Caseworker did her job and called SO's employer to get info, where she was informed that he has not gotten a raise. Caseworker called BM back to tell her there was no change in income. Apparently BM started complaining about how her child support is coming in lower and lower every week. Caseworker explained to her that Domestic Relations made a mistake and had been taking $250 extra a month for over a year from SO and giving it to her and his lawyer just sorted it out and that's why the payments are lower now. BM then I guess went completely batshit and went off about how SO is a piece of crap and a "waste of oxygen" (exact words from caseworker to lawyer) and that he only gets his other daughter (NOT her child) because he is forced to and that when he does have her he neglects her. She then said that he never gets her daughter because no one forces him to do it. All caseworker did was document everything she said and kept it on file. She then called SO's lawyer and gossiped about BM lol.

I mean, I understand she's completely insane and lies about everything. But what the crap did she think she was accomplishing by telling her caseworker that he neglects his other child?? Like her BM1 would just willingly let her kid go to a man who was neglecting her? Her lies are ridiculous. I wish BM1 (who is relatively sane and I can't figure out why she's friends with BM2 now other than the obvious that BM2 is trying to turn her against us) knew that BM2 is now using their "friendship" as a means to take advantage of and hurt SO. I just had to get that complaint out there.


girlmeetsworld714's picture

I think our crazy BM thinks the same way; she thinks she has the upper hand in every situation but no, she doesn't. SO had always thought prior to this happening that their caseworker was favorable towards BM but now he sees that she thinks BM is ridiculous, too! That's pretty refreshing lol

girlmeetsworld714's picture

omg that's what she did! she goes on rants on twitter after things go her way but she made NO MENTION of this ever happening!