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Things are still exactly the same

alwaysme's picture

I have not been on this site for a while and i felt it was about time i visited again, i re-read my old blogs and realised i am still living them. Nothing has changed. I am still the last person my husband considers when it comes to the skids. He has a gambling and drinking problem and we have no money left and yet on extra days he can work he can take his kid to their sports even though it is not his access weekend. While i am at home doing nothing with our baby because we have no money. I work full time too. But when i get upset about this he accuses me of being jealous of his kids. Well you know what maybe i am jealous because he still drops every thing for them. He doesnt drop everything for me and our daughter, i guess he takes for granted that we are at home all the time.

His reasoning is that he will do extra things for his kids because life is about family.... what the fuck are we then? He pays his ex child support and yet we have the skids more often then we are suppose to, but she still gets the same amount of money, and we still have to run around to take them to the sports and so on.

I was sick of it so i decided to start putting a tiny bit of money away each week for my own son for when he is older, well my husband found out and blew his stack over it. How dare he after all he does for his kids...... I was really wondering does anyone truly survive these step relationships??? is there any hope out there? or am i seriously wasting my time? According to my blogs i am. I dont want to read them again in a years time and see that i am still living this life. Is divorce the only answer?


Kb3Hooah's picture

So I take it your DH would also flip out if you guys had seperate bank accts?

Have you guys tried counseling?

"Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."

stepmom008's picture


"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".