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BM told my DH that things are "tight" at home...

JustLeicaGirl's picture

She just bought a house in August, and has an 11 year old boy with my husband (SS) and a 2.5yo baby boy with her "fiance". Apparently, things are so "tight" financially at home, that they can't afford a babysitter for their baby --- so the fiance is working at a job & living with his mother & the baby during the week (about an hour away from BM)... so she only sees her baby now on the week ends? They just came back from a vacation in DR, and have a new car that HER mother bought them -- a 2010 Escape....
WTF?? Doesn't that sound weird --- she is letting her 2 year old be with her mother-in-law and her man --- who btw, believes that "boys belong with their fathers" (it has come up 2 times that I know of concerning my SS --- where he has tried several times to make my DH mad enough to try to sue for custodial custody by telling him all about BM's negligent parenting and cheating on him and my husband)
Does it sound like there is more to the story --- than just no money?? Or am I just being snarky?


usade's picture

Sounds like she's playing the woe-is-me card to sucker a few extra $$$ out of your husband...after all, she also has to support THEIR child. Be careful!

soverysad's picture

This would be my dh's response to any of these conversations "Not my problem. Did you have anything to talk about skids?". He would say this 5-6 times a conversation and then say "Well, I have to go deal with my own life."

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.

stepmom008's picture

I just got a whiff of fishiness myself...

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

TheWife's picture

Is it possible BM and the husband are split up??


"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

JustLeicaGirl's picture

HAHAHAHA!!!! You guys are funny Smile You are all probably right -- for better or for worse $850 is taken from DH's checks every month for C/S ... so their is NO WAY she will get her trifflin' little fingers on a dollar more! And I will say, my husband is like a locked box... maybe from being in the service for 7 years when he was younger --- but he doesn't "indulge" her in any means --- he "lets her talk herself into a corner" every time. It just sounds WEIRD that they've split up the family the way they have --- I mean, your BABY??? See him on the week ends? It's like she's the guy with the full time job, house in her name, etc., and he's the SAHM... dude was out of work for 2 years and collected unemployment while he took care of his baby, which my SS said he didn't do a good job --- would sleep through his crying, etc.
I feel guilty that I LOVE hearing gossip about them that doesn't have anything to do with us --- because BM blasts DH every chance she gets. Somehow I feel a weird comfort knowing that they, well, BM mainly, are having issues.