It's official. SD is a bully.
So we've been dealing with this 'issue' since babyhood. Not sharing, taking what is wanted from other kids, ordering them around, saying mean things, and even hitting. I thought it was a toddler thing and did my best to curb it, thinking she would grow out of it.
No. She is now 7, and hit her friend with a Barbie, because she didn't want 'friend' to use a 'pretty dress'. I hear the little girl start crying, so I go in there and SD is sitting there peacefully continuing to dress her barbie, the hitting tool, with no look of regret or shame or care that she just hurt someone. I put her in time out. (Really? 7 years old and in time out??) She doesn't care about any of her 'things' so taking stuff away doesn't matter. We don't spank, and I don't see the use of teaching a child not to hit, by hitting them.
I'm not sure what to do honestly. We have tried talking to her, punishing her, time out, but she doesn't give a crap! She hasn't grown out of it, and I feel like she is not right in the head. I feel like this is just not normal. She is fine with adults and listens fine, maybe she is just a product of being an only child and being spoiled rotten. Literally.
Maybe she just needs to come up against the wrong kid and get the crap beat out of her to learn. I dont know!
- Rainbow.Bright's blog
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How about having her write
How about having her write an essay on why you shouldn't bully? I did this with my BS, which required him to really think about his actions and the results of his actions...not to mention, he said he wished he didn't do it b/c the essay was really long, lol. I had him do some research on it on the computer and it had to be 5 pages long.
I don't know if this will help, but it's worth giving a try.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
FANTASTIC essay!! "Venting
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
Thanks B!!! Some of it was
Thanks B!!!
Some of it was pretty comical, but I think he did a good job! 
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
I know you said that taking
I know you said that taking everything away won't work. But, actually pack it all up and put it in the attic. We did that with SS and it worked wonders. Put it all in boxes and take it out of their room. Leave only the furniture. Freaks the kids out. Suddenly they are nice to everyone.
Rainbow.Bright - If you can
Rainbow.Bright - If you can get your DH to agree to this, I would use some of SD's bullying tactics on herself some night. Of course, you won't hit HER with a barbie.... but maybe you could hit your DH with something to try to get your way and have him react appropriately to it.
Also, I would take her lesser, non-physical forms of bullying and turn them right back around on her. And when she says something, I'd be as sweet as pie, saying.... "But what? You did this and it was okay? Sooo why can't Iiiiii dooo itttttttt?"
Be a brat and fight fire with fire.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
lol me and Dh are masters at
lol me and Dh are masters at this one now!!! We're soo good at it we annoy ourselves. hehe But SD gets the point and usually stops the behavior for the weekend we have her.
Great idea! Thank you! It
Great idea! Thank you! It absolutely drives me INSANE being that I was bullied as a child. I'm going to try the essay writing tactic. And this tactic and hopefully between the two it will work.
Thank you everyone!!!