Because it's my carefree time.
It almost never fails. When ever my children are with their dad we try to make plans to go and do things together and have some fun. For whatever reason, Inbred feels she deserves more time to herself than anyone. A few weeks ago, we had plans, actual plans that were made with a group a month in advance. So of course, as I walk in the house I hear DH talking to Inbred about darling Princess Pisspants. Oh how she misses her daddy. She's going to cry if she doesn't get to see her daddy.
Funny, He saw her last night and she couldn't wait to go home. But as usual he caves and goes to get her. Now this is not the first time he has cancelled our plans to cater to darling Princess. Well, this was my off weekend. I made these plans a month ago and after a while, I tend to get really tired of staying home everynight and cooking and cleaning. So while he went to fetch her heiness, I got dressed to go meet up with our friends.
When I heard the royal whinning coming from the living room about how she hates my cooking I knew it was time for me to go. I asked for the keys and gave my DH a kiss and told him I wouldn't be out to long.
DH- You're still going?
Me- Of course, we promised soandso we would be there, but don't worry I'm sure everyone will understand that Inbred used darling Princess here to manipulate you once again and you let her.
DH- That's not how it happened.
dPPP-Daddy I want a happy meal, get me a happy meal now.
DH-(to me) I thought we could rent a movie and get pizza.
DPPP- No daddy, I want a happy meal!! (she raised her voice a bit)
Me- Oh, well you didn't ask my opinion. If you had I would have told you that this is my mini break weekend. I want to get dressed up and go out and be able to finally wear the shoes you bitch about because they're expensive and I never wear them. I don't want kid friendly family time this weekend. I want to have a few drinks with my friends, tell dirty jokes and talk about somthing other than barbie, my little pony, or any other childs thing.
DH-Fine, have fun.
Me- Oh I will. xoxo
I did have a good time. I actually think I got a tiny ab workout with all the laughing we were doing. But I did promise I wouldn't stay out too too late so by 1030 I was headed home. When I walked in my big relaxed smile was met with a tense one. I guess DH's night didn't go as well, bless his heart. darling Princess was still awake and wanting to watch another Barbie movie. I meself was never a barbie girl, I liked She-ra and Rainbow Brite, so I asked how it was going and he asked how my night went. After a few more pleasantries were exchanged I excused myself and went to bed.
DH- You don't want to sit in here with us?
Me- No, I'm a little tired and you know barbie to me is like the kardashians to you, eww.
He snickered a little and I was off to bed.
The next morning DH was a bit more annoyed with me because I didn't want to leave my comfy bed at 7am to make darling Princess her breakfast. He was getting quite annoyed with me all day long. I don't like mcdonalds, I won't eat the food there, so why would I want to get out of my super comfy pj's to get dressed just to go sit up there and watch her take forever and a year to eat and crawl all the way up to the top of the playground just to sit there and scream until DH climbs up there to get her because she's to scared to climb down. No...I'll eat something around the house and just veg out in the silence for a while.
Well, she didn't end up staying the night again. I guess the thought of an all night barbie and dora athon was to much for DH to handle. He took her home shortly after she peed all over herself at mcdonalds because she didn't want to use the girls bathroom alone. She's 6.
Last night, DH got a call from Inbred again, how much darling Princess misses her daddy. Well, this time he told her he will see her tomorrow, which is today, but no sleep overs this weekend. He would see her again the next weekend. Inbred seemed much more upset about it than darling Princess. I guess if she uses some of her CS on a babysitter she won't have enough money for drinks until 2am. Oh well, not my problem.
- Evil stepmonster's blog
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You handled this situation so
You handled this situation so perfectly....I think I need you on speed dial
Hilarious. No barbie for me
Love it! Loved the story,
Love it! Loved the story, loved that you left anyway and had fun with friends, loved that you made him do it all himself.
Glad you enjoyed your time out!
OMG this is my life. We have
OMG this is my life. We have SD15 fulltime and because she is a sneaky twit - we can't do anything. Your story rocks and I just might have the nerve to try it this weekend!!
What you did was damned
What you did was damned AWESOME!! Seriousy, AWESOME!!
(No subject)
Thank you all. I'm so happy I
Thank you all. I'm so happy I found a place I could vent about all this stuff and not be seen as a horrible person for not liking his kids.
My favourite line: "Of
My favourite line:
"Of course, we promised soandso we would be there, but don't worry I'm sure everyone will understand that Inbred used darling Princess here to manipulate you once again and you let her."
And, why the heck is daddy letting a six year old watch yet another Barbie movie at 10:30 pm? The little princess should be in bed by then, don't you think?
Oh I agree completely, but
Oh I agree completely, but DPPP bats her little eyelashes at him and smiles and tells him how much she wishes he was home with her every night and he caves.
She is her mother through and through.