What would you do?
I had a meeting with 3 of BS11s teachers last Friday. BS11 has been lying to me, DH, his teachers, and the principal for a few weeks now. BS11 has not been doing homework, hasn't been turning in classroom assignments, and talking during class. As a result, he is failing 2 classes and almost a 3rd. During this meeting I found out that BS11s IEP teacher had a talk with BS11 2 days prior. BS11 never mentioned it to DH or I. I asked BS11s teachers if there is anything else that DH & I can do to get BS11 to do his work. All 3 teachers said that DH & I are doing everything we possibly can, his teachers are doing everything they possibly can, and it is now up to BS11. I totally agree with them. I ask BS11 everyday if he has homework. If he says no, I drop it. He will have to deal with the consequences of not doing it, not me. The 3 teachers I meet with also said that if BS11 does not make a drastic change in his behavior and maturity level, the 3 of them will recommend that BS11 be held back, even if he gets passing grades. I have tried to teach BS11 organization and for a week or so he does what I showed him, but then were right back to where we were when we started. DH & I have taken things away and now it doesn't seem to bother him. BS11 is now on a point system to earn time to use his computer. He had earned an hour last week, but lost the ability to use it when we went out to eat Friday night. DH & I took the kids to a buffet. BS11 ate 2 plates of food and then had ice cream and some cookies. After he ate that, he got up and I asked him what he was doing. He said going to get more ice cream. DH & I said no, 1 ice cream is enough. If you are still hungry, get fruit or more regular food...No ice cream. It went a few minutes and here comes BS11 with a snicker on his face and in his hands was another dish of ice cream. He deliberately did the opposite of what we told him to do. BS11 tried lying his way out, saying he didn't realize he was getting ice cream. Needless to say, he did not get to eat that ice cream and we left. DH & I are at a loss on what to do. My mother claims to think that there is a reason for him to be acting this way. She has tried blaming it on SD15 moving in with us & me not sitting at the table with BS11 while he does his homework (when he admits to having any). But when he does have homework, if he can't figure out the answser he will try several different ways to get us to give him the answer. My mother has been an issue in BS11s life up until when we moved 1100 miles away from her. We did so, b/c she babies BS11, gives him what ever he wants, does not punish him when he is bad while in her care, and when she did attend sporting events of BS11s made it known to him that she was worried that he may get hurt. BS11 quit wrestling (which he loved & was good at) at the first practice of his 3rd year b/c he was afraid to get hurt or hurt someone else. DH & I thought that by moving 1100 miles away from her would solve the problem. But every time he gets to see her & spend any amount of time with her, we are back to this behavior. I don't want my son to be held back due to my mother's influence on him. But I also don't want to have to keep BS11 away from her totally. DH & I have already told BS11 that we are limiting how often he gets to talk to her on the phone. What else can DH & I do to get BS11 to start acting his age and basically grow up? BS11 also needs to be more responsible and organized. How do we get him to do that?
- Shell97's blog
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Sounds like you are doing
Sounds like you are doing the right things. It seems like he is rebelling because he is used to your mother babying him and he is mad that you aren't allowing that to happen. Maybe she told him if he messes up he could come live her? Sounds like he knows she will make up these excuses for him. Let him suffer the natural consequences of his behavior. He will fail and that will (hopefully) embarrass him.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
To my knowledge my mother
To my knowledge my mother has never told him that if he messes up that he could come live with her. But then again I don't listen in on their conversations. That's what I am starting to think though, that he is rebelling due to DH & I keeping BS11 from talking to her as much. At one point in time, BS11 was calling her mom. It took me a year or two to get him to stop. And she didn't do anything to stop it. She thought it was ok. My mother & I don't have a very good relationship and when I told her how the meeting went and that his teachers also suggested that I send BS11 to summer school....all she cared about was that BS11 wouldn't be able to come visit her over summer. So, I guess the only thing I can do is let BS11 fail, go to summer school and then maybe he'll change his behavior and possibly grow up.
Didn't mean to put that seed
Didn't mean to put that seed in your head, but it sounds like your mom has significant boundary issues, which means she'll likely do / say whatever she needs to say to get her way, including engaging your son in believing he is better off in her care.
Maybe that is your hammer. If he doesn't do the work and improve his grades he WILL go to summer school instead of go to see grandma!!!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
Myson13 used to pull this
Myson13 used to pull this and was doing poorly at school when he we 10-11. What I did was paid him for good grades and he lost for bad grades. he had a chart so he could see 5 A's, 3 B's & 2 u's (F's)...so he earned $, and lost $. There were a couple months he got $0. Now, he gets almost all A's. ..so its done differently... he also has adhd, and I don't really believe in paying for grades, but it worked.
Oh let me add he knew that I
Oh let me add he knew that I expected good grades and there were additional consequence for bad grades, not just the money. I think it gave him a positive to strive for and made it too painful to continue to fail.
With his iq B's are the min expectation, A's are praiseworthy and anything less is not accepted (in general )
As far as organization goes, he is still a work in progress. He has folders for each class and every day he gets home (because he says he doesnt have time after class to take 2 seconds and move something to its correct folder) he goes through and organizes it to its correct place. He then goes online and checks his moddle page to make sure he didnt miss anything that is due. He is a severe procrastinator and if something is due on Wednesday, he doesnt do it until Tuesday, but he is slowly learning to organize his time better because he has seen that some days it causes him to lose all free time at night because he stacked 5 assignments that he could have completed earlier on top on the unexpected assignments that are due the next day.
I think boys in general struggle with time management as children, it gets better with age. But they're never acheive the same org and muti-tasking abilities that girls have. Add to that ADHD and this is something he will always struggle with. But he is like I said slowly learning, facing the natural consequences is always a great tool. Sometimes its just not enough though and just like delayed gratification, sometimes kids need instant rewards to make them survive to get to the real prize of being proud of themselves!
I won't do the money thing,
I won't do the money thing, b/c we have tried that with his chores. He has the ability to earn $5 a week for doing his chores. But if his chore chart is not marked at the end of the week, he does not get his $5. It worked for a while and then he stopped doing his chores, so he has not earned his $5 a week in a long time. Now he is on a point/hour system to earn time on his computer. He gets a certain amount of time for each good grade, but for each bad grade he gets time subtracted. This is only the second week that we have been doing this. But I can't tell if it is helping.
I guess I should have mentioned....I had BS11 tested by professionals and BS11 has a very high IQ and b/c of that he struggles with the easy things. BS11 is not ADD or ADHD. Also another thing that has affected BS11s learning, is my father has been teaching BS11 to run heavy equipment since he could walk & talk (about 3 or 4). BS11 is now to the point that he can get into any machine and run it without directions. For several years BS11 has claimed that it is doesn't matter if he does well in school b/c when he graduates he will take over my father's business. But I can't get BS11 to understand that it won't happen if he doesn't graduate or even pass the 8th grade reading test. B/C in OK, if you don't pass that test you can't get your driver license.
I wish there was a simple answer to this problem.
It is really hard because
It is really hard because you cannot control what an intellegent and willful child will and will not do. You can give consequences and rewards, but when even that fails what do you do?
I think some kids are too smart for their own good. I dont ever remember feeling like my parents couldnt make me do something, but it is a statement I have heard come from my son. The "My education, my choice", "nothing under 9th grade matters anyway".
I dont have it hard with mine though, he is a great kid behavior wise. Smart, socially intellegent and I really dont worry for him at all.
He has had his moments though...
Just keep trying things, something will work. If the kid is smart he will figure out on his own that life is easier and happier when he just gets his crap done. Maybe the points for computer time will be the ticket?
My brother did this! But all
My brother did this! But all the way until his sophmore year. God bless my mother for putting up with him
But what she did with my brother was took away EVERYTHING he had: tv, computer, video games, clothes, etc. And gave him 3 sets of clothing to wear during the week. 2 for school and 1 for play/chores. Then he would have to bring home a 'report' from the teacher each week showing how he did in class. If he did well he got another outfit to wear, if he didn't, he was stuck with the same clothes. Mum & the teachers also had him start an agenda with his homework assignments and he'd have to have Mum or Dad sign it that he brought them home and completed it, then the teachers would sign or initial next to their assignment when he turned it in. He managed to do well and get his stuff back within 6 months. (6 months without tv or games!) They continued the agenda signing and if anything was ever not turned in, finished, or signed, he lost something again. This worked for him, but my brother was also kind of a pretty boy so the clothes thing REALLY got to him. He was afraid to not do his homework. I think he was more embarrassed that he was wearing the same clothes over and over for about 2 months (they were cleaned nightly!!) and decided he'd rather do his homework than be laughed at. Might be kind of mean but thats home my parents were, they were STRICT beyond belief.
*: (=’:’ ):*
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison
Forgot to mention that his 3
Forgot to mention that his 3 sets of clothing were NOT that attractive. They were the ugliest stuff my mother could find and she bought them at Goodwill
*: (=’:’ ):*
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison
This is hilarious, but I can
This is hilarious, but I can see why it worked!
I don't think the clothes
I don't think the clothes thing would work with BS11. B/C BS11 doesn't care about his clothes. It is a struggle to even get BS11 to take a shower or brush his teeth. So wearing the same clothes, even if cleaned every night, I don't think would bother him. But I will keep in mind the taking away of everything and making him earn it back.
priceless! "God is great,
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
This is also terrific! Wow,
This is also terrific! Wow, now I have some great ideas if myson reverts back to his old ways! Brahhahaha!