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DH is finally starting to grow a set

Shell97's picture

I was so proud of DH tonight. I get home from picking SD16 up from cheer practice and started to finish making supper. SD16 asked DH if he could take her to tan(because SD16 is not allowed to drive either vehicle by herself until she gets a job). Well, DH had just gotten home from work about 20 minutes prior to me going to pick SD16 up and DH was on his computer(DH plays online war type games to relieve stress, he says killing people in the games makes him feel better after a long, bad day lol). SD16 didn't even give DH a chance to answer her and she starts repeating herself, only louder and says "Dad, I know you heard me. will you take me to tan?" Well when she raised her voice to him, DH turned around and said "No!" SD16 started to get pissed off and said "why not?" DH "Because I said No and I'm not taking you. They close at 6:30 and it is already 6:00. I am not going to beat the crap out of my truck or mom's van to get you there before they close." SD16 "I know it is 6:00, but I have made it there in 15 minutes and even if you get there right at 6:30, they won't close." DH "I told you No and that's the end of it." SD16 stormed off to her room mumbling the entire time. DH said "SD16, your life is not more important than everyone else who lives in this house. So stop acting like it." SD16 comes out of her room and says "She(meaning me) runs to pick me up from cheerleading everyday and you(DH) said that you(DH) would take me tanning more often closer to prom. You(DH) have only taken me once." DH "SD16 if you don't stop, I will sell your prom dress and you won't be going to prom." SD16 went back into her room without saying another word.

I am so proud of DH, I think he is starting to grow a set. I think after my talk with him last week, it has really started to make him realize what I have been trying to tell him for months. I just hope he keeps up with it. We shall see.


Milomom's picture

YAY to your DH, Shell97!!!

:::the sound of his set of balls growing::: (LOL!!)

Make sure he gets an extra special "reward" from you for putting SD16 in her place. You know, a little "positive reinforcement". Wink Wink Wink Wink

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading posts like this! It gives the rest of us hope that these men will EVENTUALLY either find where they left their balls (usually in BM's purse) or they simply will GROW A NEW PAIR!! lol

So happy for you, Shell97!! Great post.