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enough is enough

2 tired's picture

i found this website 2 weeks ago and it has been a comfort. Sadly, however i have come to a realization that i can not waste my time dealing with a 10 year old daughter of my boyfriend of whom we live together... We had the intent of getting married but i do not want to deal with her manipulation for the rest of my life. I love her but she has so much control over her father, who believes that she can do no wrong. She is a HOT MESS, and will only get worse as she gets older. Just needed to vent... signed a lease today on an apartment so that i can breathe....


Stick's picture

2Tired.... While I'm sorry that your situation is not working out, I am glad that you are realizing it before you marry the guy, get more involved with SD, etc. Don't think for a minute that you are only leaving your BF. You are leaving SD as well, and it's better to do it now before you are all more invested. In my own opinion.

And hey!! Who knows? Maybe the space for you to breathe will help all 3 of you work out what needs to be done to move forward! Smile

Best wishes....

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

2 tired's picture

The hardest part however, is my extreme love for the both of them.. i have a son as well, and i am extremely protective of him becuz he is 4 years younger than SD. I understand clearly that kids will be manipulative and sneaky, i expect my son to be... however the boyfriend doesnt belief that his child will lie to him. WHich means that if my son and his daughter get into it then it will always be my sons fault. Luckily we havent had many problems with the two kids against each other... But she compets with me and has to be the center of attention at all times. He is a great father but does not see her faults... He does see however that i am harder on her... the reality is, is that i have treated her like my own daughter, buying her clothes and providing for her... Hopefully he will wake up one day before he is old and has no one or nothing....

2 tired's picture

you have made me feel better. while thise is a difficult situation. I have to be true to myself about the reality that as the SD gets older it will only be worse.... i think that she is a good kid but she plays her father and i against each other and it is hurtful and i find it difficult to be in the same presence of the two of them when they are together. she hugs on him and looks at me, she may not know what she is doing to cause such a strain on my bf and i, but no one should have to put up with this crap daily.... she tells him that i roll my eyes at her, and then he asks me a grown woman if i have rolled my eyes at her.... im so sad... in the end i have stayed becuz i dont want her to think that she has beaten me ... but she has she has wore me down....

smnikki's picture

i love my husband and we do have a great life but we are harassed daily by bm and my mil is satan...a smart me would have run, but i stayed and now i deal with this shit every day...ive only been married 4 months. i applaud your strength to leave a horrible situation!!!

mumzy79's picture

I struggle with that thought a lot. If I met DH before the marriage to BM, we would not have really any major issues, the skids are decent enough, but the BM OMG!!!!!!!! She ruins everything and says hateful things i.e I will laugh if your baby dies. Nice huh?