One week down, 3000 weeks to go! : )
Just a particularly annoying week with SS8. And knowing that I have committed to this for the rest of my life makes me shudder sometimes.
This week he:
-1- Was congratulated for changing his pee sheets because he's a helpful buddy.. (doesn't matter that we had to tell him sternly to do it)
-2- Was able to ignore everything I told him
-3- Was able to eat anything he wanted... pizza, hotdogs, candy, cookies, a special trip out for breakfast just with him and dad
-4- Did not have to clean anything...and had a disaster area in his room and the family room
-5- Had a 'playdate' over, but was allowed to be bossy and take his toys away from the other kid
-6- Was allowed to sit in the front seat of the truck, even though he's not big enough and its basically against the law. Never mind the airbag would kill him in an accident, as long as buddy wuddy was having the time of his life is what mattered. I could go on and on and on.. but I think I've painted the picture. It's apparant that he is truly Daddys buddy wuddy...and Daddy is not the Daddy... I can't believe how fat this kid is getting... and I can't do anything about it... Ah well...whatever... This week will be a normal, non-disney I just have my Bio kids... and well .. they have rules. Anyhoo... that's all for now...
- HeatherM's blog
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The buddy wuddy thing kills
The buddy wuddy thing kills me. I think I'd go nuts if I had to deal with that!
And SS is 8 and still peeing the bed? Put a freaking diaper on him. Not a pull up, a disney princess diaper. And make sure he knows if he continues to pee in it he'll have to wear this diaper even if friends come over.
Well, that would remedy the
Well, that would remedy the problem. But probably also any custody issues as well. I can't imagine a child psych seeing a princess diaper as a healthy technique for combatting bedwetting.
Yeah, it would remedy the
Yeah, it would remedy the problem. It would STOP the problem! One threat of a princess diaper and my son never peed the bed again.
Oh, and my son isn't scared for life because his evil BM taught him a lesson either. His SM actually thanked me because she no longer had to clean up pissy sheets.
Different strokes for different folks. Your kid can pee the bed until he's 8, I could care less. But the blogger clearly cares that her kid is doing it.
Oh, and Squi, I'm not a pussy foot kindave mom.
I have RULES. You listen, or you get punished.
Did my parents deserve to have me taken away from them because they taught me harsh lessons? No, it made me tough. If it wasn't for the lessons learned I would be a spoiled entitled brat like most of the Skids we deal with.
And, one more thing before I get off my soap box. Since I'm not asking a child psych if a princess diaper is a healthy technique I could really care less what they think. My kid, my decision.
And PS, it works.
It's fine to do what you
It's fine to do what you want to your kid, Jen. But if the OP isn't in agreement with the punishment then they could likely bring a psych in for a COd eval which would create a big nasty court mess.
I'm not saying one has to be a "pussy foot kindave" mom, but one should be aware that disciplinary techniques might come under the scrutiny of an unwelcome 3rd party and result in unintended consequences, know what I mean?
I KWYM, but I'm one of the
I KWYM, but I'm one of the old school people that just don't give a shit when it comes to my kids, my step kids even for that matter! If my child throws a tantrum in the store they are gonna get their hind end swatted in the middle of the store! That's just how I am...........I realize it's harsher than some, but hey, it worked for my parents and so far it's worked for me.
Buddy Wuddy, lol. Isn't
Buddy Wuddy, lol.
Isn't guilt parenting the greatest? It amazes me how they are exempt from all rules, even ones imposed by the law.
I'm tee hee'ing because I
I'm tee hee'ing because I think SS8 secretly would like the princess diapers. I put him in diapers about 6 months ago... it had NO effect, in fact he liked them. So... because I thought the diaper was giving him an excuse to pee every day.. I took them away and decided he could learn how to clean and remove his own sheets and pj's... neither is working. He does not pee the bed at his moms. I truely believe he is peeing at our house because he wants to be daddys baby.. just like his baby sister...
Heather, do you think maybe
Heather, do you think maybe it's a actual physical condition? I only ask because I do have a friend who's son kept peeing the bed no matter what she tried. She took him to the dr and come to find out there was a medical condition causing it, I don't remember what it was now but I know they gave him pills for it. Whatever the prob was worked because he stopped within six months.
I would think its a physical
I would think its a physical condition except for two reasons;
-1- He didn't pee the bed for two years and then started peeing the bed. Most physical issues occur right from the start.
-2- He doesn't pee the bed every other week when he's at his Moms house.
For those two reasons, I don't think he has a physical issue. He has a prescription for those pills which we'll be filling here any day, because both DH and BM think it's a physical issue.... regardless... I hope something works..
I hope it works to. If it's
I hope it works to. If it's not a medical issue I hope that your DH finds a way to get this to stop. I, for some odd reason, don't think Buddy Wuddying him through it is gonna help much though!