Need to Vent...
I have had SS 9 for 3.5 weeks now. 4 weeks ago or so he was diagnosed with I keep saying in my blogs... His mother was stressed so left town for 2 weeks..and has been back for a week, but it's not 'her' SS is with me. Today, SS was supposed to be picked up from school by his mother after lunch (half day). I asked him to call her last night to make sure, and she 'messed up', so cannot pick him up until 6pm tonight. Frig! I'm so tired of having him around!! I'm stressed too! So.. my original plan was to go home early Friday..pick up my daughter..hang out.. eat toast.. be DH is out tonight... and well guess I have SS for a few hours..with his mess, and his whining, and now I need to make him dinner. I guess it sounds petty but I'm distressed all the same... and if I was his mother..especially after his diagnosis, I'd make sure I saw him as soon as I got home from my trip! Whatever.. she's so selfish. I almost told DH to call her and say "Sorry 6pm won't work for Heatherm because she has plans"..but I don't.. so whatever. Another thing that has my blood boiling is that every single day this week DH is home when SS gets home from school.. and today because it's a half day,he picked him up and took him out for lunch. Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm pissed at this... but probably because on the weeks were we don't have SS and it's just me and our BioDaughter..he works late every single night! It just amazes me how coincidental it could be that he has 'quiet' weeks every single friggen week we have SS, and busy ones when we don't.. it's a load of crap. Ahhh feeling a little relieved now.. thanks for listening.
- HeatherM's blog
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They are dumping their kid on
They are dumping their kid on you and when it is all said and done they will take credit for it.
Watch for that. I know you are tired. You saw the finish line and then they added another mile to the race
Hopefully, you will have some peace and quiet with your daughter.
They've taken advantage of you A LOT. They are going to try again. Try to be prepared or actually, be unable to make it because "something suddenly came up"
I was a doormat for years out of love for DH, but now I realize, that he was just getting me to do his dirty work without being willing to thank me and act nice.