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Kill me now....

HeatherM's picture

So, ever since SS was diagnoses with Aspergers, I have been doing so much research on new ways to parent him, validating to myself the reasons for some of the things he's done, and ways we can teach him that they are not socially acceptable etc etc etc... BUT I should have known that this diagnosis would get my husband back into the "Coddle me Wagon"... FACK... it's such BS. I keep trying to tell DH that we cannot excuse everthing he does, and that some of what he does is still punishable... (lying)... but that we have to 'teach' him differently... but instead he just ignores everything, and has once again forgotten his sons name, who now only goes by 'buddy'. I'm sorry but this is so frustrating... and if he doesn't start 'teaching' this kid, he's going to live with us until I'm he will have learned no social skills etc. Last night I joked (but not joking)..that when I retire... I'm going to get my own apartment.. seriously.


SteppingUp's picture

Find his strengths and really focus on those...and try to get DH to focus on them too. SS needs consistency now more than ever, and especially with reinforcement of behaviors. The more you reinforce the good ones and give negative feedback about why we don't do the bad ones, he'll be easier to understand. I really urge you to find some mental health facility (lots are based on income if that's an issue) to get some services. They can provide you a TON of help.