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Things have been pretty good

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Which is why I haven't blogged in a while... My ss8 has been going to counselling, so he's been a pretty happy kid lately which is great. I am soo irritated today though, and it's mostly with my DH...but whatever... My ss8 is getting so fat. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true. I wish that I could be his mother and help him out! All this kid talks about is food and movies... it irritates me so much because I know if it was my kid, I could do something about it. I gently told DH that he should really get ss doing something active, his response was "maybe we'll try skating or something"... what this actually means is we will go do a public skate once on a Saturday, and when ss cries because he can't do it, we won't do it anymore. DH thinks also doing something once a week is enough... it's not. He doesn't play with the boys at school because they play sports or tag, and he's always it.. so instead he plays "Horsie" with the girls... frig.. It's just hard to watch. I'm out tonight at a work function and he says "Dad, can we have hot dogs and fries tonight?"... response: "Sure buddy wuddy... sounds yummy"... I give up. I've also decided I know what really get's under my skin... DH is so tender and loving towards his kids... (ss8 and BD1)... but when it comes to my son (BS13) he's a tyrant. He's unforgiving, rude, hardly talks to him and blames it all on my kid... and I think this is really coming to a head here..because I cannot stand it. I would like to turn the tables and be the same to his kid, just to show him... I tried last night when SS returned from Beavers I didn't turn around or say hi or anything... but I could only pull it off for like 2 minutes before I felt bad and had to say Hi... I'm sure some of you are experiencing this type of treatment towards your Birth kids... so any stories, or ways you have dealt or deal with this would help.


HeatherM's picture

You know what... I have tried sooo many things with my SS without the support of his parents... lets see; Skiing, soccer, swimming, karate, riding his bike... and he quits it all...! Even when he quits the things I PAY for... his parents say "Oh you can't force him... ".. whatever... it's so different than my parenting style. With my kid if he committed to something, he had to see it through, even if he didn't like it. If he still didn't like it at the end, we'd try something different...

My SS know's every new product on the market, every commercial, every show, the lines to many movies... and he eats...that is what he does. Apparantly this is ok though because he plays lego while watching TV !

I know the crap with my son has to stop. You don't know how many times I've said something, cried, fought... but it never seems to end... and I'm really looking for some tips before I lose it. I can't believe he'd treat my kid that way... first, he's a kid...and second, he's MY kid..!