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You have got to be kidding me!

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

DH just gets off the phone with BM, because we needed her new address because we were going to drive SD ALL the way from Indiana to North Carolina. We were trying to meet her needs by driving all the way to her house, that way we wouldn't have to arrange our appointments here at home. Now BM tells us she's not ready for SD to come home, because she has to arrange daycare because of work. OH WELL....grow up..she's your child take responsibility for her. Just because BM wants 2 more weeks of "play time" with her new "lover boy". Now I'm to the point where I really don't care how SD gets back to her BM. I'm not worrying about it anymore. If she makes it back fine, if she doesn't oh well. Even though we will be the ones that get blamed for her not making it back for school. I'm so tired of catering to BM's wants and needs especially for BM to make comments that "so what if Bio son misses school, it's preschool". Whatever that is my son, and he needs preschool. It's not my fault that she moved and messed around so much SD didn't attend preschool and is now struggling in school. Even though I told BM that SD needed preschool for 2 years! She's just ridiculous. I really do applaud her for ruining my day though.


kiwi's picture

It is so frustrating when these BMs take no responsibility for their children. After years of saying that my DH (the BF) will never get custody and him feeling like the visitation was like scraps off her table and tiptoeing around her in case she refused to let him see them (she has full custody) she has had enough and is today seeing the lawyer to get the arrangement reversed so we have full custody and she has visitation. I feel so sorry for the SDs as they are not stupid and know that their mum now doesn't want them. At least we wont have to worry about having to work around her and cover for here patheticness.(sp) Try not to let her get to you (even though I know it is hard and really frustrating). Focus on the good things in your life and not her stupidity Smile

Nymh's picture

This was the pre-determined time for SD to come home, right? And now BM doesn't want her to come home? Here's my response to that: Oh, well we have plans every weekend for the rest of the summer. If you want her back, you'll have to come get her yourself. Sorry! You should have taken her back when we had planned!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

ReadySetNot's picture

We have to pick him up on friday and drop him off on sundays well my fiance works on a fishing boat so sometimes he dosnt come home untill sat, if he gets home on a sat and tries to pick him up BM tells him to bad, so if he wants to see him sometimes I have to pick him up on fridays, well im a assistant chef so I dont get out of work untill anywhere between 11:30-and 12am AND BM calls me all the time telling me that i need to get out work early to pick up HER child at a decent time. (IM SORRY I NEED TO MAKE A LIVING TOO!!) I tried to explain to her that I cant just up and leave work whenever she wants me to and her reply was "What like your job is so hard that you cant leave for a few hours to pick him up" *Where I work is about an hour one way from her house* So I asked her what I was supposed to do with him after I pick him up I cant bring him to work with me into a resturant kitchen!! and her reply was "Well thats something you need to figure out then" One time she acctually had the nerve to drop hm off at my fiance I's place dosnt bother to acctually see if we are home drops him and his car seat off and drives off *he is 8* I had to work so I brought him with me and sat him at the bar which is the only place that I can see him at all times from the kitchen window. I had to be back at work at 6am the next day (sat) so i brought him back to work with me and sat him at the bar, made sure he was feed and entertained and then my fiance came and picked him up when he got home, well BM got whind of this and had the nerve to bitch me out for sitting her son at a bar! *What was I supoosed to do*???

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

That's ridiculous! I know what you mean though, when you have to do something or you have an idea how to fix an issue...and that's just too easy for BM to do. BM's always have to find some way to make things difficult or complain or just something. I'm just so fed up with is DH. So as of next weekend when SD is taken back to her BM''s over for, and we are gonna let her know that asap. Good luck with your BM she sounds like a hand full.