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WifeNTheMiddle's Blog

You have got to be kidding me!

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DH just gets off the phone with BM, because we needed her new address because we were going to drive SD ALL the way from Indiana to North Carolina. We were trying to meet her needs by driving all the way to her house, that way we wouldn't have to arrange our appointments here at home. Now BM tells us she's not ready for SD to come home, because she has to arrange daycare because of work. OH WELL....grow up..she's your child take responsibility for her. Just because BM wants 2 more weeks of "play time" with her new "lover boy".

What a rough day...

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

SD comes home with 3 huge bags of clothes from DH's grandmother. She had taken SD school shopping, she's 6. Honestly. Yes, SD needs clothes for school and I am very thankful that she helped to buy them so that BM doesn't complain to us that she needs MORE money for school stuff. DH and I bought school supplies and DH's grandmother took care of clothes. Not to mention we are going to have to fork out $900 to take SD back to North Carolina this weekend. $900 is a lot when DH's off work from surgery and I only receive a little unemployment.

I'm highly annoyed...

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

by the fact that my son's face looks like he's been in a war. He's 3 years old and has more cuts and bruises than I have ever seen. My question can a SD6 be soooo mean. She's a girl isn't she? You would think she was raised by a pack of wolves. My son now has a huge bump and cut in the middle of his forehead, a cut on the side of his eye, a huge scratch across his back, and a bruise on the side of his eye. What in the heck?! Honestly...and of course DH backs it up with, "he's mean to her too". I have yet to see the marks.

Crazy Lady

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

So DH's ex wants us to meet half way between Indiana and North Carolina to take SD back to her. We can only do this next week due to DH's work schedule and our son's school schedule. DH's ex doesn't know how to manage money and says that doesn't work for her. The ex said she would call so we could talk about arrangements, but instead when DH calls her, she's at a bar. Ex only calls when she wants money, even though she's paid child support. Ex also says she has no money...but she's in the military and makes 2 times the amount we do.