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What a rough day...

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

SD comes home with 3 huge bags of clothes from DH's grandmother. She had taken SD school shopping, she's 6. Honestly. Yes, SD needs clothes for school and I am very thankful that she helped to buy them so that BM doesn't complain to us that she needs MORE money for school stuff. DH and I bought school supplies and DH's grandmother took care of clothes. Not to mention we are going to have to fork out $900 to take SD back to North Carolina this weekend. $900 is a lot when DH's off work from surgery and I only receive a little unemployment. Back to the clothes, DH's grandmother didn't offer to take our Bio son to get any clothes for school. Yes, he's 3, but he is going to preschool this year, I guess I just see it as do for one as you do for the other. That's how I treat them. So after spending $900, I will have to go out and buy school clothes for Bio son, that doesn't upset me at all, he is mine to care for. I guess I just feel that when SD is home for the summer, everyone drops everything and rushes to see her because they haven't seen her since Christmas, but yet our son is here all the time and no one cares to see him, take him shopping, or "spoil" him except for my mother. Oh well..I guess this is just really more of a vent then a problem. As I said...rough day.


startingover2010's picture

fmil is arriving tomorrow and she had told my bf that she will take sd school clothes shopping. my bd, who turns 3 in 2 days, will be going to pre-k this year and she did not offer to get her clothes. i am sure that if i say something she will but i shouldnt have to say anything.

you are lucky to only have sd in the summer, we have her full time. and she is a big selfish brat! i wish we only had her in the summer and christmas breaks, then maybe i could deal.

once your son gets older, he will see who really cares for him. everyone who ignored him will mean nothing to him. just keep being a good mom to him and your rewards will come later. at least he has one grandmother who will make him feel special. same as with my bd.

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

right!! My son will know that DH and I have struggled but always manage to make sure he has everything he needs..and sometimes his wants also. SD here is also a selfish brat. She thinks she deserves everything she wants...when someone comes to the house..she will ask them if they got her anything. She's a bit over the top most of the time..but in a few more days it'll be back to our family of 3 and calmness will finally be achieved.

Public.Enemy.No.1's picture

I know how it is, too. SS8 has dirt bike bought for BDAY $200 by FMIL and FFIL. BioSon with BF gets a little giraffe toy, probably $20-25. Yeah, he's not old enough for dirt bikes and the like, but he desparately needs furniture like bed, dresser, etc. No one even bothers to ask. They've seen his room. They know. I get the 2yro's clothes at the local crisis pregnancy center for free. Anyone wanna guess who buys SS's clothes? At Easter, FMIL gets 2 prs crocks for SS says she didn't know what size he wore, so she got 2 diff. sizes. Just never took the other size back. BioSon gets one. BioSon had no other summer shoes to wear AT ALL, but SS has at least 5 other pairs. On TOP of the favoritism on BF's side of the family, SS's maternal Papaw buys school clothes, and school supplies, dirt bike, helmet, etc., TV, and much more. Has 2nd B-day party, and 2nd Christmas to boot. My family LOVES my son, but they are just not cool present buying kind of grandparents. They are older and from the days when GMA and GPA spent $10 on you and really thought they were doing something. Smile

Now for the positive side: The less $$ the in-laws spend on him, the more hopeful I am that he'll turn out to be a good egg! (I just don't want him to get hurt, that's all.) SS has so much and destroys it all.

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

up my alley too!! Granted during the holidays and for my bio son's birthday he gets spoiled from DH's side too..just as much as SD...but SD has BM, BM's mom and BF, and even BM's exhusband buys for her! Then she gets stuff from my family and DH's family. My poor elderly mom tries her best to make sure that our son gets the difference during Christmas. It's just always messed up one way or another, but somehow we manage. I know what you mean about your child turning out to be a good egg. I know it's probably a terrible thing to say, but when my Bio son starts acting like SD...I take him to the side and secretly tell him not to act that way..that people don't like that and he doesn't want to be mean like SD. I just want him to know the difference in how he's suppose to act and how he shouldn't. I guess SD just makes that easier to point out sometimes.

P.S. What size does your son wear...I have tons of hand me downs you could have..some even still have tags! My Bio son is they have to be close in size..I have extra I would sure love to help and send it to ya.

TheCharm's picture

SPOIL my SS8 and the point of excess. It grosses me out and I am so glad when the in-laws go north for the summer. Even then they send weekly packages to both kids. SICK!
DH and I are trying to get pregnant. I wonder if they will do the same for mine. While I don't want them do, I think if they don't I will be offended. Strange.