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Is he just being a d*ck?

youngstepmumtobe's picture

Sorry to create another post but I feel this is a little bit off topic to the other.

He's said he doesn't want SS around as much, said he doesn't want him in our house. It's always been a thing, even before I had an issue with it. That he hated having SS around so much because according to him he "never planned him in the first place, BM did". According to him, SS lives with his mum and so he doesn't have to see him as much.

As much as I can sympathise with him and as much as I resent SS, is he just being a d*ck towards his own son?


Ommy's picture

Yes, if he didnt want a child then he should have had the foresight to use protection, and to prevent being in the situation in the first place. Life is about choices and stepping up to the plate and facing the consequences of your actions. Your SO may not have wanted a child but he made the choice to partake in the required activity to create a child. It is not fair to make a child suffer because he doesn’t want to be a dad. SS didn’t ask to be born.

Is his resentment coming from the hate he has fro BM? Or is it truly a hate/dislike for an innocent child? I think your SO needs therapy and he needs to be there for the boy.

buterfly_2011's picture


Disneyfan's picture

That means he's willing to toss his kid to the side for a woman.

That makes him a double dick.

overworkedmom's picture

I agree with everyone else. That statement says so much about his character. I could not personally ever trust someone who would say that about their child. Especially a child as young as your potential SS.