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SO's mom just had the nerve to ask me to apologize to HER! After her racist remark about my kid....fat chance bitch.

Yosemite's picture

My SO's mom said some hurtful, racist things to me (see previous blog) and I told her to fuck off. My SO has been advocating for letting it slide because his dad is unwell. Apparently he went and talked to her about it. He did not tell me he was going to but she showed up here and let herself in.
I am working at home and did not expect to see her. I came out of my office when the alarm beeped due to the door opening.
She said my SO told her he will not attend her anniversary party if I do not go with him. She then said she is willing to let it go if I apologize for telling her to fuck off.
I said Look I am not a bend over bitch who is going to take it up the ass from you any longer. The only reason I haven't told you off for the rude ass things you say long before now is because you were a family member and you were old. Since you have made it plain I am not a family member there is no longer any reason for me to give you any slack whatsoever. Please leave.
Then I went back in my office and closed the door.

Waiting for the call from SO. In the meantime I think I'll call a locksmith.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

She should IN NO WAY be letting herself onto your property. EVER.

Yosemite's picture

No she didn't try to apologize at all. I agree she just wants SO to go to the party. I want SO to go as well because I think he will regret it if he doesn't. I listened to her instead of throwing her out right away cause I thought maybe she would which case I would be willing to be civil for SO and SO's dad's sake.....although I would not spend a minute around her I didn't have to. But now I'm even more pissed off.

princessmofo's picture

I would have reiterated your former statement of "fuck off". Nuff said. }:) And possibly added, "you crotchity old sand bag" but hey that's me.

Yosemite's picture

I probably should have done just that but I just couldn't believe that after 5 years of knowing me she could even think an apology was gonna happen without one from her.

Kilgore SMom's picture

If FIl is really sick then I think you should only give to the point that DH can attend the party with out you. I would not give on saying your sorry. MIL didn't say she was sorry or invite your kids. All you did is take up for you and your kids. As any mother would. The only thing I would have change is the language you used in telling her off. Not that you did it. But then I don't have the ball to say what you did either. And sometimes I wished I did. Smile

Yosemite's picture

I want him to go without me....he won't. He thinks it would be disrespectful to me because BM will be there.
I don't talk like that all the time....I am a successful professional and I know how to tell someone to fuck off without actually saying it. I really should have used better language but messing with my kids will bring out the inner ghetto child quick..

Yosemite's picture

I haven't told them about the stuff she said. I don't want to hurt them. They know they were dis-invited to the party and they don't care about that at all.
I definitely will not be doing anything for her and will not encourage my children to do anything for her either.
I am just sad for SO....this is terrible timing for a falling out. But I didn't choose the timing, his mom did.

luchay's picture

Hugs to you, I was thinking when I read the last post about your kids knowing that they really shouldn't - so you are doing the right thing, they never need to know what caused this.

My FMIL is a bitch too, not quite to this extent (OH's whole family really) It was FMIL's birthday a few weeks back, she's just moved into a home as she is not able to take care of herself anymore, so we were looking for a present she you use to make her room more "homey"

We picked out one of those montage photo frames with the word "family" in the middle and space for lots of pics. We didn't put the pics in, thought we'd give the other family members options to include theirs - FMIL is forgetting a lot so having family member photos handy to keep them in her head - or for others to point to and say remember so-and-so.

We give her the frame (OH, me, 2 skids, my 2 bios) and she promptly asks for a pic of just OH and the skids to put in - like me and mine were not even there. Bitch. That is how she is though. I don't have a lot to do with her.

whatwasithinkin's picture

Just read your previous blog I have one of these raciest MIL's. Not only is she raciest she shows poor judgement in regards to how she has handled certain situations.

Due to many circumstance I do not have a relationship with any of my in laws. But MIL is one of those ballsy MIL who will eventually "have to have her say" and I can not wait. As a matter of fact I am sitting and waiting because when the time comes I am going to pounce like TIGER.

Good for you, I explained to DH a while go, his 9 brothers and sisters, and his mother and even his father are not people I would befriend in my normal life...why should I now. Im far to old for this shit!