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Never ending sickness

steptoone's picture

My SD 6 is ALWAYS sick. I am so tired of battling sadness after sickness. She was born premature and had small airways. So her dr says she has Asthma. Every single time we get her from her mom she is hacking and stuffy and just unwell. I have a toddler and I'm 31 weeks pregnant. Her mom has no regard to us whatsoever and our requests to keep her if she is sick. I'm just ranting here, but the past month my toddler tested positive for influenza A, after her sisters visit. And now we have her for 8 days and this is day 3 and my sinuses and head are POUNDING. I know it's typical for kids to get sick but since thanksgiving I swear she has gotten us sick at least 3 different times and I am over itttttt

ESMOD's picture

it sucks.. the school age kids get sick way too much.  it is even worse when you have them only occasionally.. and if you have a hcbm.. sticking to the schedule vs letting kids stay in the "sick" home is sometimes the only way.

I sympathize though... I hate being sick.. 

Harry's picture

There's nothing you can do.  Beside eat we'll take care of yourself. And hopefully she will grow out of it.  BM has her 24/7/365 minus your time with her 

nengooseus's picture

SKs' HCBM has no regard whatsoever for anyone other than herself--including the SKs.  She took SS to a retirement party with active COVID, to a party where he contracted COVID, sent him camping outdoors for the coldest weekend of the year.  That was all in the last 12 months and he's 15.  Oh, and her house is an "urban farm," full of mold, and SS sleeps in a family room that isn't well insulated or ventilated. SS doesn't have the good sense God gave him, and goodness knows he won't challenge BM on anything ever.

In other words, it doesn't get any better. 

PP is correct, the best you can do is demand good hygeine (especially handwashing) and take distance as best you can for yourself and younger kiddos when SK is sick.