Just found Burned paper in SD13's room! GOT TO READ **UPDATE** at bottom
Im in a panic! Just found burned paper in SD13's room (you bet I snoop in her room she write all kinds of stuff about wishing "her step mom" (me) were dead and how much she hates me in her journal and i have the right to know!) I am just sick! 3 times over the past few weeks our fire alarm has gone off at 2 am and there appeared to be no reason for it....I am mad because I am not sure how DH will handle this....i didnt find a match or lighter....but the paper is from her scetch book and it is her's alone! it is charred....no question what it is!!
now what do i do??????????
Please give advice......my update is at the bottom of this post.....
NOTHING has been resolved and I am SOOOOOO ANGRY!!!!! SD13 has been with my sister past 2 days...(Thank God for MY family!!) But now SD13 is naggggggggggging to come home because she knows she will be getting something for Easter....She was to stay with my sister until Sunday after church....
My F'nDH has not adressed the problem with this burning issues or the email I sent him....I have been very very patient and I am just about to EXPLODE that F'nDH is acting like everything is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just don't know what to do...we have spring break next week and are going to go on a family trip mid week... I am SO NOT into this trip!!!!!!!! I am making myself SICK over this and mostly F'nDH's LACK of action/reaction!!!!!!!!!! I have tried to back off and not be the "parent" to this child...the one who punishes her for her BS and who makes the punishment STICK!!!! It really boils down to the fact that the fire thing scares the H3LL out of me and the FACT that F'nDH is not making this a bigger deal with a REAL punishment REALLY SCARES THE H3LL OUT OF ME!!!!! I dont think that the REAL threat this SD13 poses is realized by her DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I wrong??? Does anyone have any ideas about what to do??? I need some advice.......
- Yme's blog
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She needs an intervention by
She needs an intervention by the fire dept!!! STAT!
Wow. I haven't read any of
Wow. I haven't read any of your other posts, but this is troubling. She needs help for her issues. Psychiatrist or psychologist ASAP.
Thanks Ladies for the
Thanks Ladies for the comments! Im at a loss as to what to do...she has just walked in the door from school...im here blogging so i dont go off on her...sent DH an email at work...havent gotten an answer as of yet...DH and I have been having words today so I'm not sure he has looked at his emails yet...I have been feeling very sad and neglected as of late and sent him a long email earlier today expressing my feelings and hurt...NOW THIS!!!!! UGH! Is it the full moon?
Yes SD13 has a long list of "issues" and has been in consistant therapy and sees a psych dr to regulate her meds...she uses manipulation/cutting/hoarding foods/she urinates or deficates on herself or in her room when she doesnt get her way...and the list goes on and on.....This child is one mean two faced brat who can look dead at you, cry and swear that she did not do said crime and be FLAT LYING!!!!! No guilt or care because she has a long list of areas to lay her blame...we can all relate to being the wicked step mom who causes the skid to act out...im just so sick and tired of all of the crap i have willingly put up with over the years because I have genuine feelings for SD13 and the crap her BM has put her through and the abuse she has lived through...of course the total blame for the kid being disfunctional is because of me the SIL and MIL cant understand that this kid had issues long before i came along and the emotional abuse the DH allowed her BM to put them all through is the real issue...not me!! They have even said SD13 has issues because I dont hug her enough!!! i have worked really hard over the past month and 6 days to disengage and let her have no one to blame her troubles on....before she would cry to her dad behind my back saying: "She picks on me" "Im always in trouble" "she is just nice in front of you" and tries to con her daddy into believing that I am the problem not her...she has tried the con on others who dont know the real situation and they have felt like telling her dad that I might not be being fair because of what the SD13 tells them...strictly on her crying wolf to the aquantaince who she can con into taking her side...(this makes me sick and i cant believe that DH would even give any type of creed to a sranger telling him how his wife treats his disfuntional daughter he says that he doesnt believe them or her but i know it is always in the back of his mind) now that I am bending over backwards to just be nice to her and ignore her behavior and not give her any reason to balme her troubles on me...she is doing more and more stuff...Like this burning paper crap...(odd how the ONLY person who didnt wake up to the alarm was SD13?!?!?!duhhhhhhhh dad?!?!) when i told DH i was DONE and he would have the job of raising his daughter not me...DH origionally stepped it up and was all over her ass...like he never has before...he was great...i was shocked and very happy...felt that he could see her for what she is and he was able to not come home to a cranky wife and a DD who was in trouble for her actions while he was at work....She was really shaken and seemed to be concerned with her dad being disapointed in her...her actions did not change but she seems to be listening to him...he asked her to be nice to me and treat me with the same respect that she shows to her bus driver...She can not/will not do even that...she is fake nice in front of DH...and tries to start a conversation with me 5 minutes before her dad comes in the door from work...SD13 is not being nice and is breaking the rules her dad has set but now he is doing nothing!! he is ignoring the fact that SD13 is constantly being nasty and mean...DH has slacked off on what he is doing and there is no reason for him to not be right on her ass...she is snide behind his back and gives me the smugg "ahaha you cant do anything about it" comments/looks I am wondering what he will do with this one...it is going to take all that is in me to "just let him handle this"
Hope I am not the one having to start a fire under DH @ss tonight...I fear more than fire alarms may be going off in my house tonight!!!!!!!!
sounds like she never
sounds like she never progressed past tantrum laden toddler hood and was given "adult spousal status" as well.
Time to train her out of that. It's gonna be bad but you might have to disengage as well if daddykins doesn't support you in the Nanny 911 program.
Nanny 911.....love it!! I'm
after finding this burned paper I am wondering if she thinks that burning our home down is her answer to splitting her dad and I up??
I can only hope that DH will take this very seriously and drive his point home that she will never be in control of this family! DH should be scared because IF i left HE would still have her in his life and then SHE would have learned that SHE is in ultimate control over her Dear Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She will have all the power and he will have lost more than just me and his adoring stepdaughters (my bio daughters).....
Keep a fire extingisher near her room.
love that idea! I think a
love that idea! I think a video monitor would be ideal....as she is up sneaking around when we are asleep.....ideas?
No door. No privacy. No
No door. No privacy. No trust. That is scary. I am very sorry for this.
##UPDATE## I am so angry that
very difficult for me to not explode...
I am so angry that I am shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DH came home last night and told me that I needed to "trust him and let him take care of this....He's Got THIS" I take a VERY VERY deep breath and say a prayer...and nod my head.....(mind you all that I had sent DH a very long email at work stating my concern over our marriage and how his recient statements have hurt me and asking him to explain... DH had promised to "discuss" anything I wanted with him when he got home from work last night or today...that he wanted to write out his feeling too like I had done...)SOOOO I choked it all back and went about the evening being very pleasant...DH had rented a movie and was trying to hug me and be all sweet and touchy feely...so I just decided to play along and see what happened.....NOT ONE WORD WAS SAID TO SD13!
Today after DH has been very sweet and extra charming I ask DH about the paper because i had this second sence "feeling" that DH knew more than he was letting on about this burned paper...I picked a time where I was in a public place to ask DH about this to safe guard myself from blowing my top and YELLING....DH admits that he had found the paper and a lighter in SD13's room hidden under the mattress of a futon!!! This discovery happened last week when he moved the futon mattress that is in SD13's room to use on our weekend get away!! He says that he took the lighter that was with the paper thinking that it was from SS19??? and did not look at the paper?? (ss19 lived with us 16 months ago and the futon had been moved into SD13's room only 4 months ago....have to remove mattress to move futon?? SO DH has no lodgic in WHY he felt that the LIGHTER and paper were from ss19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Also 3 times over the past few weeks our fire alarm has been going off at 2 am??????? DH seems to not be able to connect these 2 things together?????????? (to be continued.....) There is WAY MORE to add.....) But im proud that I have not raised my voice one bit so far
I had to write about this right now as we going to support group meeting for "parents of difficult children" in a minute....I am so mad I dont know what to do!!!!
Back from meeting.....was so upset I could not take my turn and discuss what has happened and now the lax treatment SD13 is getting over this...said "I can not say anything about these 2 weeks because i can not be nice and I am very upset" When DH's turn came up he did not answer or give any comment on anything that had happened...CHICKEN!!! I feel that HE should have brought it up in group and saw what others had to say....but NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I am just hetting madder by the minute...SD13 got a lecture?? from DH this afternoon and was watching TV drawing happily when we left for our support meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone else have any concerns over this or am I blowing this up into something??? I am so physically upset over all of this!!!! THIS is NO joke to me!!!!! My BD13 shares the same corner of the house as SD13 (side by side bedrooms) Now I fear for BD13's safety even more....Psych dr already has us sleep with our doors locked.......
Dont know how much more I can take!?!?!