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Oppinions please!

wooloo's picture

My DH has had my SS4 1/2 biweekly since he and BM split when SS was 1 1/2. I have been in DH and SS life since SS was 2. BM has ALWAYS had a problem with me, be it saying I was going to MURDER my SS and BS from postpartum depression (because it's 'Very common'), or screaming at my SS the first time he called me mom in front of her (something he started doing on his own but hasn't done since) amongst MANY other not so sane things...

BM has lived her life by having men take care of her, and there for my SS. Since my DH and her broke up, she has moved 9 (soon to be 10) times. The last guy she was with (they broke up recently), she moved in with him on a week we had my SS, my SS didn't know they were moving or that she had broken up with the guy she was seeing previously (she's a fast worker...).

Since this last brake up and move, my SS has been having some behavioral issues; throwing fits for VERY little things, HUGE attitude, screaming at us, and even started wetting the bed at night (he has had dry nights for 2 years). BM has had problems with his behavior also, she even wrote my DH a email asking for advice on how to handle these problems.

My DH told her when they broke up that she needed to find a place for her and my SS so they could work there own things out with out having to worry about her relationship problems, she agreed. He also told her that if she puts my SS in this sort of situation again 'there will be problems' meaning he was going to bring her a** to court...

BM is now trying to 'work things out' with this last BF of hers... and she's dragging my SS right through the middle of it. My DH advised her not to bring my SS on her 'dates' with this guy, to wait till her weeks w/o him. Her response was a huge line of cussing and calling my DH a hypocrite.

I understand I don't really have a say in any of it so I try to keep my mouth shut and be supportive of my DH. But I'm sooooo sick of it!

My DH and BM were never married, there for my DH has no paper claim on my SS. We have talked to a lawyer about getting something #ANYTHING!# but they said that since we have been doing this biweekly thing for so long, it was kinda a common law type situation where if she tried to pull something and not let us see my SS, the court would rule in our flavor because by allowing this arrangement to go on for this long, she agrees with it.

BUT because she's the mother, she has the POA...

School age is coming up and we REALLY want him to go to school here. She has said absolutely not, even though she lives in a VERY crappy school district and with all her moving, who knows if she'll even be in the same school district for more then a year! I really want my DH to start the paper work process of becoming POA now but he wants to wait. HELP! I don't want to be pushy, but I don't trust her to do what's best for my SS, because she hasn't in the past and isn't now! How can I convey my feelings to my DH w/o stepping on toes. I understand that sometimes it's better to just let BM have her way, or think she's getting her way, because it's way easier to deal with her then, but I very much so doubt that will be the case with this. I don't know if he thinks she will grow up and realize what she is doing has a HUGE effect on he son but I don't want to wait to find out.

I'm just really sick of not having a say but having to deal with the hurt it causes my family


dreamingofhappiness's picture

The only advice I have is sit down and talk to DH and express your feelings towards the entire situation and get him to understand the best interest of the child in question. Allow the DH to make the ultimate decision. I make sure my Hubby makes all the decisions when it comes to his kids, I just enforce what his wishes are. I have a POA For my hubby, so I am legally able to do what he is not here...

purpledaisies's picture

I don't care what that lawyer said you need to get a CO period. Will it cost money yep but at least with papers she can't deny anything. If she does you can take her to court and i9n violation of it. I would think that is the first step. Seek a different lawyer and get several opinions b/c fr0om my experiences is that if there is no CO she can call the shots so to speak.

Then have it put in the CO that she can't just live with someone unless married. You have that right to request that. Talk to the lawyer and tell him your concerns and he can draw papers up to put that requests in. Of course she will not sign if she doesn't like it but you can get it in front a judge and he can order things like that. That happened to us. Of course this will go for both her and your dh. My bm wanted it to be one sided which is why the judge told her nope it goes for you as well as the father.

giveitago's picture

You need to get that child out of that situation! Preferably before he get to school age!
I find that conversing with DH on 'delicate issues' that the best approach is sort of like you are looking for answers. He'll give you the answers you are looking for, as he formulates the ideas in his mind... while he is's all his idea...see! Plant seeds, a very wise counsellor told me that it takes approx. three weeks for a 'seed' to grow into a fully fledged plant.
It really does not matter who's idea it is as long as it's a good one...right?