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So seroiusly BM is such a pain in the...

Stepmom23's picture

DH works 13-15 hour days M-F... so I take care of my Skids (2 of the 3 now that my SS16 has decided the grass is greener with BM). So for four years now, I have had to take the kids to doctors appointments and keep their healthcare up. So DH's lawyer wrote us up a Medical POA so I could make decisions on his behalf when he couldn't be there. So know after four years she is deciding that she wants to fight my POA. There is nothing she can do but she is making some Drs very annoyed with the situation. On top of which she is telling DH that she should have to sign it too. He was like "if you want to give her your POA (power of attorney) too, then sign something, but you have no right to decide who has mine." She actually started shit with SD14 because I called her orthopedic surgeon with questions and SD14 knew about it and said something... then BM gets shitty with her and tells her to stop copping an attitude. So freaking frustrated her right now...