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IT's like a Christmas, birthdays and winning the lottery all at once!!!!

vgill's picture

Both of my Skids have moved in with their BM !!!!!! I am just soo happy and excited,they have lived with Dh and I since they were little kids and I am soo happy they are not here!! Not only that but it may actually be good for them, in their minds BM could do no wrong, after living with her for a while they will actually get to see why she never had custody, plus her father is dieing and has 6 months left so I think it will be good for the boys to spend as much time with him as possible before he goes. DH has had a bit of a hard time with it as he has tken it as a personal rejection(who wouldn't) but it is not him it has always been BM as she has filled Skids heads with lies that it is always perfect at Bm's house, this woman has no patience and a cruel mouth. perhaps after a year with BM skids may actually respect their DH a little instead of always taking him for granted. I am just so happy that these 2 brats are not in my house anymore, and if you have never read any of my blogs you have no Idea of how bad these kids have been and how hatefull and angry they are. they curse and swear and hit and are not nice to me of their step sisters or brothers or even their 1/2 brother they are even cruel to them by picking on themand pushing and hitting the little kids and they are 13-15 years old and the younger kids are 10-8-5 and 16months. These skids are ???? I don't even know what tho call them. I am soo glad the skids are out their is finally peace in our house!!!!!


starfish's picture

YAY!! Congrats!! i wish my skids would live full time with their bm, i'm happy for you, but also jealous!!

wriggsy's picture

I WISH my skids would move, but I don't think it would make much difference. The skids have always gone back and forth at their choosing from dad to mom and back (BM lives within just a few minutes drive from DH). Because of BM's revolving schedule (she's a nurse), DH has always just let BM have the kids when she wanted them. The problem was always that when we would need her to keep them, she would be unavailable. (ex: when DH is on call at work). The skids were at BM's house most of the summer and even told other members of the family that they lived with her now. Really? Then why are we (DH and I) having to buy all the school clothes and supplies? And, if you live with BM, then why has she been out of town for going on 3 weeks now (working out of town)? We did not even know she was working out of town until SS informed us after she had already left!!


caregiver1127's picture

I had my SS for 3 years - three months after I got married - BM sent him to us to break up the marriage (we live 700 miles apart). When I had DD he was 12 and could not understand why we had to take care of her 24/7 - he still wanted all of the attention. By the time my daughter was almost 2 we threatened to take BM to court to get the right amount of child support (there has never been a court order between DH and BM - that's another whole story. When we did that she immediately called him and said she could not live without him and she wanted him to move back with her.

DH did not stop this from happening but he did say that there would be no moving back and forth - SS started out with BM and when he did not like that he went to DH and then when he did not like that he wanted to move back with BM. So DH said no matter what happens at BM's that he was not allowed back to live with us.

The day SS left was one of the happiest of my life - they got to the airport it was in the summer and there were delays. BM wanted us to rebook the flight and I told DH - Heck no he is there and he is getting on whatever flight will take him back to BM. The flight left very late that night but he was on it. The house was so much better with him gone - no much drama is now gone. Of course BM has started up this year because she has 2 more years of control and can feel it slipping.

momoutofhermind2's picture

I understand your happiness. It's one of the best feelings you have probably had in a LONG time.

As bad as what I am about to say sounds it was one of the happiest moments in our lives. My SS's BM killed herself. Now, I don't wish death on anyone, even her, and especially souding happy about it, but I can't say that Karma didn't come back and bite her. I was mad at her for doing what she did. How dare her leave her kids, the main person in their lives, and take the easy way out of her screwed up life.

I thought about it one day and she kept my DH away from my SS10 for 9 yrs and now he will have the next 9, well until he's 18, to have him all to himself. And then some. That is KARMA. She was a rotten B**** and my DH and I have no remorse for her. She left her kids (she has another kid w/another man too)w/out a mother. Especially my SS10. He has been w/out his dad for 9 yrs b/c she did everything in her power to keep it that way (lied on the court stand, made up stories, had him arrested, you name it) and now she left SS10 full of hate, not knowing the truth about DH and her and with a man he barely knows. So when her anniversary comes up, which is next month, I am going to have a drink, maybe even a bottle Smile

I feel bad for the kids b/c she messed them up, but I don't feel bad for her. and I am one of the most happiest, caring people out there. She is just one person I hated and it take a LOT for ME to hate someone.

Enjoy the celebration!

momoutofhermind2's picture


It is def. a story and a half. I feel bad for my SS and his bro. Nobody had to break it to them, they were there when mommy "didn't wake up". (The skank) She was living with her other sons BD when it happened and he is the one that actually found her. The kids were brought upstairs when it happened, but they know it happened. On the other side he thinks she was just sick and she died. Nobody had the heart to tell him and they are going to wait until he's older.

For 1/2 of his life he was shipped off to his brothers dad's house to stay there when his brother went over She let them do whatever they wanted while she went out to party and hang out with her old BF. She was a goldigger.

So now it's been a huge ordeal trying to teach him all the things he was never taught. Trying to teach him what was a lie all these years and what was the truth. It's like we have been these mean people all these years and now he has to live with us. So it's a ton of things. It's hate, resentment( b/c we have a BD6 too) it's jealousy, it's betrayal to BM. It's taking all her bad parenting and trying to teach a kid all new things who thinks his whole life was normal. Now do this while trying to prove we are not horrible people. Well it doesn't work so well when your trying to teach a kid the rules and have to punish them at the same time and then try to be nice and let them know your a good person.

He misses living with his brother's dad and his mom. That is one of the hardest things. It's like he looks at the brothers dad as a father figure and it hurts my DH's feelings b/c he finds little notes and things that says he hates his dad. He breaks my daughters toys, he lies a lot and he is just lashing out at certain times and it does get to you. I call him out on stuff all the time b/c your not going to get away with being mean and hurt peoples feelings and just do whatever you want. I know he's going through a rough time, but you are not getting away w/murder b/c he wouldn't help him by us letting him do whatever he wanted b/c then he would think he could get away with it all.

So not only did she mess him up with not letting him see his real dad, but then she kills herself too. So he's all messed up. He is now made to live with a fam. that hated his mom and have to abide by our rules and things. Along with my DH trying to prove himself. I have a gray hair a day forming...hehehe.

I am not to sure if he resents me. He did write down once that he hated me, well along with my BD6 and DH. He has said it numerous times about my DH and BD6, but that was the first time he said it about me. If he does, I don't care anyway. I did care at one point b/c I have never had a kid hate me. I am like a big kid myself. I like all kids and then I thought about it and came up with why do I care if 1 kid hates me. I am here to whip you into shape and teach you right from wrong and help DH and if you hate me, I'll get over it. He drives me to want to drink, and it is DEF. tough, so I know it's going to be a long haul.

This is why I have no remorse for BM.

On the anniversary there might be a conga line and shots of vodka flowing around. She made him what he is today, but at least she's not around to keep it going and he possibly still has a chance. I wonder some day's, but he's only 10 so ehhhhh maybe. Until then, EVERYBODY CONGAAAAAAAAAAAA....

vgill's picture

I got them to leave by being nice!!? I was a very good stepmom to these boys and I had offered them affection and direction like any good mother, but them BM got jelous, and the boys pulled away and got very mean and nasty( probably with BM's urging) and the boys got jelous of how I treated the other kids and wnted that from their BM and she has never given that to them. I think a big part of it was that they really want to know if their BM loves them or not! But at the end I was so tired of how they treated me I just started giving them what they deserve!

Willow2010's picture

YAY!! Congrats!! i wish my skids would live full time with their bm, i'm happy for you, but also jealous!!


steptwins's picture

Congrats! I'm soooo jealous. I dream of the day they move out because everyday is a nightmare living with them.

Timetogiveup's picture

I am sooooo happy for you......can I ship her my SS and tell her he is the son she never knew she had?

vgill's picture

BM is so dumb she probably would believe she had a kid and must have forgot about it!LOL!!!