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wooloo's Blog

Does it ever get easier?!

wooloo's picture

I love my SS4 so much it hurts! But I'm really starting to get the feeling that he's not so in love with me.
I understand he's 4, not a whole lot of empathy going on, but he alienates me by going out of his way to be a jerk twards me. Yes, he does it to my DH also, but its WAY worse twards me. SS has even started showing attitude and disrespect twards my BS (his half brother) because he's mad at me. Not cool.


wooloo's picture

We have my SS4 biweekly. It has been this way for over half his life. My DH does most of the driving during the exchanges that happen on Sun. because we chose to move 2 hours a way from the city we, including BM, were all living in.

Oppinions please!

wooloo's picture

My DH has had my SS4 1/2 biweekly since he and BM split when SS was 1 1/2. I have been in DH and SS life since SS was 2. BM has ALWAYS had a problem with me, be it saying I was going to MURDER my SS and BS from postpartum depression (because it's 'Very common'), or screaming at my SS the first time he called me mom in front of her (something he started doing on his own but hasn't done since) amongst MANY other not so sane things...