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Freedom Party sort of.......

Wilson98's picture

Looking for a name and theme for our Freedom Party sort of speech. My SO would like to have a celebration party in a couple of months (he'll be finished paying CS) and we're in need of a name/theme. Has anyone done anything like this and if so, can you provide some recommendations???? Thanks


B22S22's picture

We didn't have a party when DH was done with CS... but he bought a 65" smart TV on the very first payday he hadn't had CS come out in 17 years.

simifan's picture

make sure you keep a copy somewhere - we needed it 1 1/2 years later for a medical bill not paid

hereiam's picture

We didn't have a party, either, but maybe we should have.

I think, if we had one now, I would pick a time period that brings up good memories and had good music and use that as my theme. For example, the late 70s and early 80s had some great party music and I had some great times. That was also before my husband had married either of his wives and had kids.

I would use music from that time period and pick one of the song titles as the name of my party, like "Celebration" or "Party Like It's 1999" or whatever your preference and whatever fits the best.

There is nothing like music to bring back good memories, create more memories, and just plain 'ol have a good time.

I like to sing, so I would throw in some Karaoke but it's not everybody's thing. It is, however, a blast! (and this time of year is good time to pick up a machine)