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So I have a FB page and my So doesn't. One of my SO best friends is my friend on FB. The problem I have is everything that I post or if I'm tagged in a post, he tells my SO other. There is nothing on my page to hide, but it's just irritating when my SO tells me what he tells him. Who should I be upset with and what should I do about it. Thanks

HELP! What are we missing here?????

Wilson98's picture SO has been paying CS since May of this year. He was originally ordered to pay about $875/mo. In July, they had another court appearance and his BM requested to have the payments reduced to $700/mo. For the 10/24 and 11/7 payroll, the CS payments were not taken out, and we do not know why, as he hasn't received any notice or spoken with her. So we don't know what to do or to think. Fast forward...In March of this year, my SO grandfather passed away and in August his son (who is 17 that he was ordered to pay CS for) received money that was in a certificate of deposit.

HELP!!!! When it rain it pours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wilson98's picture

I need your assistance. In 2004, my husband received full custody of his daughter, who at the time was 13 because his daughter's mother's boyfriend had tried to molest her, and DCFS was involved. He also has a son with the same women, and he is now 15 1/2, he'll be 16 in July. The terms of the custody order was as follows: He had full custody of his daughter and she received full custody of their son, meaning he was responsible financially for his daughter and she was financially responsible for their son.