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O/T Eff Off Friday

WarMachine13's picture

Filling in for the vacationing Aniki this week. Eff off to:

All the theft and violence and shootings and death going on in my area. 5 little ones died in a house fire overnight. 

Cancer. Leaving soon for the funeral of a good buddy that lost the fight with colon cancer.

Hate. Damn tired of it. 

Hope all y'all have a good one.


Merry's picture

I have sort of a funny eff off today.

Eff off to the random guys trying to friend me on Fakebook. Get lost. ESPECIALLY the guy today, with his profile picture of himself cuddling his child. In the bed. DE-facking-LETE.

If I knew then what I know now, I honestly don't know if I would have married DH or not. But I did, and we're happy--NOW. But if I lost him, nope, never again.

WarMachine13's picture


Daisymazy2's picture

1. Customer A  told me to stop talking mid-sentence.  I stop talking he asked a question, I was answering the same question when he interrupted me mid-sentence to ask me the question.  He needed to use his listening skills instead of his talking skills.

2.  Customer B tells me he is a Dr, he is in a hurry, he is working, and that I need to find the answer to his question and call him back instead of being placed on hold.  I inform him that we are open later and he could call back because my phone rings constantly. I have to answer the phone and will not be able to call back right away. It could be awhile.  He is mad.  He is the most important customer in the world and I should ignore my phone and find the answer to his question.  Nope, not getting fired for you, sir.

 He spent 20 minutes telling me he was in a hurry. Whenever I started talking, I was wasting his time.  He was complaining because the bill was too high.  The call would not have been that long IF he would just shut up and listen. If he would have let me talk, I would have waived a late fee (the reason why the bill was too high). He makes the payment for the higher amount because he is a busy man that doesn't have a lot of time to talk on the phone.  

3. Co-workers. Twenty minutes trying to explain debits and credits to someone that has worked at the office for 25 years. This one is really to painful and long to explain.  I just wanted to smack the lady.