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Tx mommy of 3's Blog

"I'll stay if you buy me a skateboard"

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So I officially believe that all kids from a divorced home have an entitled and lousy attitude. Today dh and our bios went out to eat for Mother's Day. We sat near a family who I could tell was a 'blended' family. (And later i did have a conversation that confirmed they were a blended family.)We were close enough where we could hear their conversation. At one point one of the mom's sons (looked between 9-11) asked to go home with his dad.
Mom- "I'd really like to spend time with you."
Son- "I want to fo home though." (fidgety)

My bday weekend update!! :)

Tx mommy of 3's picture

A few weeks ago I posted how I told dh that all I wanted for my bday was to take our bios an visit ny parents. The problem was that it was going to be an ss weekend so I gently tried to tell him this weekend was for the kids and I alone. Dh got his feelings hurt thinking I didn't want him (dh) around. I finally told him (with advice from someone here) that since it was an ss weekend I figured dh might want to spend the weekend with ss instead while we do our own thing. I told dh it would give ss time away from our kids which ss would enjoy. At first dh was angry and defensive.

Where do you send yor skid when they don't have a room at your place?

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I'm not liking this new format here. Hope I'm putting this in the right place.

Just a quick question... So, you know how sometimes you send your kids to their rooms for a timeout, to be grounded, or whatever? Like sometimes my ds4 acts up and I send him to his room for a time out. Or my dd6 fights with her brother so I send her to her room to cool off. So, what do you do when skid is visiting and they may need time to cool off or need a 'timeout' but they don't have a room at your place? Where do you send them or what do you do?

Dh is a jerk!! I just want a weekend away!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So I've been telling dh for a month that the weekend before my bday, the kids and I would be going to visit my parents. He didn't realize it was a ss weekend. I did and that is why I am going the weekend before my bday and not after. I figure the perfect bday gift for me would be to NOT have to spend time with ss. Right? (Btw, dh and I have no problem spending a weekend away from each other now and then.) Besides that, dh spent one night last week drinking with a buddy. Whatever. Then he spent ALL day Sunday golfing with a town 2 hours away!

My sil will be joining the 'club' soon

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So it is official, my sil is engaged and will be a sm within the next year. Poor girl. She is a beautiful intelligent girl, but has never been able to pick a great guy. Her bf in high school were thugs. Her bf in college cheated on her. Now her fiancé... He is divorced with twin 12 yo girls. Now, he does treat her better than the others, but in all honesty she could do better. Mil thinks this guy is as good as it gets. Let's see, fiancé is a heavy drinker to start with. He also openly admits that he isn't going to discipline his girls when he has them because he hardly sees them.

My life does not revolve around ss

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So this is kind of funny. Dh is always getting upset with me because he thinks I purposely plan things when ss isn't here. Whatever. Yes, I know when ss is coming and he's, I could plan wait and plan things when ss is here, but why? Instead, I choose to plan things when it works best for us. For ex, dh got upset because I am planning dd bday party ON her actual bday instead of a week before or a week later when ss is here. Whatever. I also planned baby's 1st bday the weekend before ss was coming.


Tx mommy of 3's picture

I'm sick of it!! I am getting blamed for everything. So after he whole summer vacation argument I calmed down. I realized there was nothing I could do and if dh wants ss here while I am away then oh well. Not my kid, not m problem, right? Dh never said anything and I assumed everything was water under the bridge. Nope. Apparently h is extremely upset. Out of nowhere he starts talking about how we are 'not normal' and hanging by a thread in our marriage. Ummm...ok. I was shocked. I've tried talking to him but he gets mad and asks why I didn't talk to him all week.

Looks like it's going to be another long summer...

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So dh had to turn in his dates to bm for summer visitation. Dh can get up to 30 days on top of regular visitation. Last year dh divided the 30 days into two visits. It was horrible! For everyone. Ss couldn't stand being here long periods of time- prob because dh worked and ss was with me and our kids all day very day. Not to mention I had an infant so wasn't going out much. It was frustrating for ds and dd because they like playing with ss but only in small doses. After a while they get tired of him and ss picks on them. Even dh was tired of ss!

Back to the real world...

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Because of spring break we didn't see ss all of March. It was SO nice! Dh and I had nothing to argue about. But the month is almost over and ss will visit again this weekend. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted! Also, by this weekend, dh has to inform bm of the dates he wants ss this summer. I have been trying to talk to dh about it but he blows me off. This man never takes vacation so has about 3 weeks left this year. Yet he doesn't seem to want to use any of it when ss is here. Hmmm....wonder why.

Ugh! Another long summer?!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So last summer we had ss for our full 30 days...yea. We broke it up to 2 two-week visits and those two weeks were long for everyone. Ss didn't want to be here that long, our bios got tired of him and I was left to spend time with him because dh worked. Last hear he told me he'd use two weeks o his vacation time during the summer when ss was here. Whew, right? Nope. So now dh is saying vacation time is booked ALL summer. Really? Dh waited til now to put his dates in knowing ss was coming this summer?! I'm so mad!
