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Where do you send yor skid when they don't have a room at your place?

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I'm not liking this new format here. Hope I'm putting this in the right place.

Just a quick question... So, you know how sometimes you send your kids to their rooms for a timeout, to be grounded, or whatever? Like sometimes my ds4 acts up and I send him to his room for a time out. Or my dd6 fights with her brother so I send her to her room to cool off. So, what do you do when skid is visiting and they may need time to cool off or need a 'timeout' but they don't have a room at your place? Where do you send them or what do you do?


newmom01's picture

Well I can see your DH is not like mine, Well I had my own house 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 baths ...I had no children, so when we got married, my guest room became the his boys room at that time 5 and 4 then when we had our first son together I lost my home office and turned it into a nursery...9 months later, yes 9 months later we had our second (and last) son .....When I purchased my home i never thought my kids would have to share a room because I thought I was doing good buying a 3 bedroom home and they could each have their own room ......but its been a few a year now and Im not bitter anymore.....I was like why should they have a room when they dont live here.....the only reason why this even could fly is because his children were here first house or not but even though my DH would NOT let his kids not have a room ...he would have made me eventually make my kids share a room if I had kids first...I guess depending on how old they would have been if babies he would have made them share if older his kids would have just been SOL!!!

j-dog's picture

When I was little, our parents didn't want our rooms to be seen as punishment, even just of the "time out" variety. When we'd been bad, we had to go sit on the steps. No book, no toys. Just sit.

Ninja chick's picture

In a chair in the middle of a room with nothing but a light on and everytime she ask if she can get up another min gets added BF idea. Even though it only lasted one visit.'

Tx mommy of 3's picture

The hard thing is ss is 13. When be was younger and visited he had a room. When we moved towns he stopped visiting and hasn't had his own room since because we have bios who live here fulltime. Before we did discipline him. Last year when be started coming again, we didn't really have to 'punish' him. But lately he's starting to get an attitude and guess who will have him all summer? I know I will have problems with him. I need ideas because I don't think it is right to go from doing no discipline to something drastic. I do like the sitting on the steps idea. (Kind of ironic, don't you think?)