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Small victory

Twostepsback's picture

BM has SS9 for the summer. SS9 has ADD/ODD and NEEDS a routine. Set bedtime, wakeup and med at mostly the same time.

Since being there she's told us he's being an "asshole" her words not ours ...

she said she can't understand why he's so rude to her when all she does is buy him everything under the sun ... um yeah ...

She asked to speak to me, and said she feels better talking with me (DH has ADD too) and I gave her some tips that work to level out his moods at our house ... (in bed by 9-9:30, wake up by 9, meds at 8 ) she said she'd try that and see if it worked ...

Today she called DH and said she's considering sending SS9 home ... for the SUMMER!!!

I talked to her after DH and said that I'm off next week if she wants a break as she was planning on going to visit her own DH who works away 50-75% of the time ... She jumped on the chance and so now we have SS9 next week for 3-4 days... my kids will be super excited!

Ironically this comes days after she said she thought we should let him go to school where she lives because there are more advantages ... and 12 days after he went to her house for the summer ...
