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Twostepsback's Blog

BM's DH threatened my DH again ...

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Back when DH and I decided to move in together in 2010 his Ex threatened to kill him over some property they had yet to resolve, despite the fact they'd been divorced for years.

Her hubby had threatened to kill my now DH a few months before that when BM got up in his face over the property and he called her a liar. Not nice on his part, but in this case true.

Almost a year to the date of that incident he again threatened my hubby, and we reported it to the police as a file, so that if anything DID come of it they would know who to look for.

Wasting my time...

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So at the end of grade 3 BM sent me a note detailing her disappointment that we had not provided enough updates over the school year ... Never mind that I save all our convos and had proof that we updated her at least twice a week ... In an effort to keep the peace I started emailing her every second day at least with updates ..


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BM called two days ago to let us know her friend had recently split from her hubby and had asked her to take her 14-year-old for "Awhile" while she rebuilds her life ... while that's completely admirable that she's willing to do that for her friend I am a bit concerned.

1) the 14-year-old and SS9 will be sharing a room whenever SS9 goes to her house, which is every second weekend and quite a few week-long breaks from school... I'm not sure how I feel about a teenager, who will likely be at the "self-exploration" stage of puberty in the same room as SS9 ... am I off base here?

Small victory

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BM has SS9 for the summer. SS9 has ADD/ODD and NEEDS a routine. Set bedtime, wakeup and med at mostly the same time.

Since being there she's told us he's being an "asshole" her words not ours ...

she said she can't understand why he's so rude to her when all she does is buy him everything under the sun ... um yeah ...

Who pays for collage/university?

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DH and I have been saving for university since we started dating ... or rather I started saving for my son's education in 2009 and when we started we set up one for his son, and now our daughter as well.
We save every month, and plan to up our payments and should have enough to give our three kids a full ride by the time they get to school.

BM caught in a lie

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I don't see why BM feels the need to lie over small things.

When she sent SS9 home after a week off school recently she forgot his medication. She said she'd get her DH to send it to us as she was going on a trip with her BD.

Days later, after not receiving the meds we ended up getting the prescription filled (we didn't wait that long knowing she's unreliable).

Teacher says BM visitation disruptive...

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So SS8 went to his moms this weekend. We had a development day for the teachers Thursday, so no school, and then the kids were supposed to be back in school Friday. As it was BM's weekend we figured we might as well let her have the Friday, with the understanding she would do his school work or it would never be an option again. She agreed, and made a big point of saying how she did the work with him.

BM giving parenting lessons ...

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When we called SS8 tonight he said he didn't want to come home tomorrow, not an unusual comment, he pulls it on both sides... On the way up to his moms a week ago he said he didn't want to go...

DH was upset by the comment and passed the phone to me ... After SS8 explained what he said I noted it was fine if he stayed one more day but I'd have to call his BF and let him known SS8 wouldn't be home to play as planned. Immediately he was sunshine and rainbows...
