SD14's punishment ideas needed
I will make it short, sd14 messed up, punishment is phone, ipod and computer privileges gone for 7 days, when surrendering ipod she threw it at my face and marked/swelled up below my eye :O I need ideas on additional punishment for hitting me in the face with it. Can't throw ipod away cause BM paid for it. Thanks guys.
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The way I see it, that is
The way I see it, that is assault. First offense for a similar situation in "the real world" would be community service at the very least. She's lucky you didn't have her arrested. I can't say I'd be that nice to my own kids if they did that let alone SD. A week of community service in exchange for not having her arrested sounds very fair to me. }:)
BM may have given her the
BM may have given her the ipod, but you can not allow her to bring it to your home until her attitude changes and I agree with the others....nothing wrong with a little labor to show community service.
i think priveleges would be
i think priveleges would be lost indefinitely until she lost the attitude to start. In addition, i like the idea of community service, except you'll be right there doing it with her. sounds like DH needs to whoop somebody's ass.
I should have called the cops
I should have called the cops to show her I'm not playing her games, but really what would they have done other than take her to her mommys which is what she wanted to happen rather than take her punishment at our house. DH is not happy and we need to talk about additional punishment still (he works graveyard) I would love to put her lazy butt to work but I couldn't even get her to go inside last night much less get her to pick up trash grrrr. What I should do is run over the ipod and tell her "oh, you must have broke it when you threw it at me"
honestly i would probably do
honestly i would probably do what you just said, run over it and said those words "my face must of broke it when you threw it at me". I wouldn't care if bm bought it, she can buy another one! lol jk but that is very rude of her she needs manners and definitely another punishment.
The ipod would be gone,
The ipod would be gone, forever. I don't care if BM bought it, she gave it to SD and I would make sure she never got it back again. I don't think I'd destroy it though, I'd keep it and use it myself whenever SD wasn't around.
I say tell her she's going to
I say tell her she's going to do a week of community service at so&so place and if she doesn't then the cops will be called for assault. Sign her up at a place where they have to sign in and out to prove they were there. If she doesn't live with you ten instead of a week tell her she has to do x-amt of hours. She can do them while at mom's or on days you have her. Bm isn't going to like you punishingjer kid though so whatever is done needs to come from dh, even if it is your idea. If you have markings on your face from the iPod then take a picture to show sd that you are serious about going to the cops about assault charges. Btw, I like that idea that 'oops the iPod broke when you threw it at me'. That is funny!
Thanks ladies for your
Thanks ladies for your thoughts
I can't believe after what she did last night she is walking around the house like nothing ever happened, and the cut on my face is obvious, no sorry nothing! Ugh I'm so glad she goes back to her moms tonight!
When to call the cops?! This
When to call the cops?! This would be the time & situation. At no time should any physical aggression should be tollerated; it requires immediate intervention. Never, ever should a child be allowed to show physical aggression toward any other person in the family, but in particular, a parent. I think the consequences should be legal. What would have happened if she actually hurt you eyeball?!?!! I would call the police and file a report. Then I would take her to counseling.
Such a tough call now at this
Such a tough call now at this point, I guess I should have just called the cops when it happened.... Now she is at her moms and its already been 24 hours. I did tell DH that if anything like this happens again he is not gonna be the one I call it will be the police!
You can still call the
You can still call the police. What they do here in our community with these kiddos is the court order them to counseling and make them do the community service. It sounds as if both of things in order. This was completely unacceptable and i worry that if she gets away with it this time then she'll do it again
I agree with hismineandours,
I agree with hismineandours, you can still file a report with the police. They will possibly do the counseling and community service. If you do nothing, you are sending the message it's ok and this behavior will only escalate! We fear the thought of these kids getting in trouble with the law if we turn them in, at the expense if our phyiscal safety.
I would've gave her the
I would've gave her the dirtiest look, then walked away, grabbed a hammer and WHAM! She would've lost it :jawdrop: ...hehehehe. That would DEF. make you feel better and then tell her the phone is next. So let that happen again and your lucky that's all I did and it can be replaced, but it WONT. Laugh and leave. BM wont be thrilled, but it will still make you smile
Or take her on a tour of Juvy. Let her see what happens when kids get into big trouble. Let her volunteer there for a day. She might think twice after that. I like option one better but both sound like a plan to me.
Breaking her Ipod would have
Breaking her Ipod would have been the least that I would have done. Your DH needs to handle this and with BM. That is assault. Tell him if you don't like the punishment, then you are filing a police report. Watch how fast he and BM move then.
the little bitch should be
the little bitch should be thrilled her teeth weren't knocked down her throat..... i applaud your composure....
i definitely agree to file a report with the police..... this may happen again and then you file another report.... you don't want it to happen 10 times before the 1st report
if it were me, the ipod & phone would probably have a mysterious ill fate...... liquid in the battery compartment usually causes a problem..... computer privileges would be gone for an indefinite amouont of time... and if the little snot nose needs it for homework i would be breathing down her neck watching every move!
and i would make her visits about as miserable as i possibly could.. i would have no snacks or drinks available to her ~~ water and maybe liver for dinner...
I agree. They should've been
I agree. They should've been knocked down her throat and then some, but once she does that it would open all kinds of problems. Worse then now. I was looking for the better approach, but I like the teeth down the throat idea better.
What did DH do when she did that?
He should've knocked her out since he's her dad. Calling the cops would've been a good idea too b/c it would've taught her a lesson, but she would probably REALLY hate her after that and it would be worse from then on. Something needs to be done, but it needs some thinking. BM would come back ready to fight and it would be like that from then on out. SD would be ready to fight with mom after that. I think it would get ugly.
"Calling the cops would've
"Calling the cops would've been a good idea too b/c it would've taught her a lesson, but she would probably REALLY hate her after that and it would be worse from then on."
Good point and you are right. The kid's father should call the cops and teach SD that he will not tolerate her abusing SM.
I agree with most of the
I agree with most of the ladies on here...file a police report...NOW! Get a record going. If she is anything like my SD, she will only get more and more agressive. I have already asked my DH what he will do when his daughter hits me--because I know this will happen. She already "play slaps" with him...not his face or head, usually his arm or leg (not that the location should matter)--usually when they are playing/joking around, but I can tell that she is pushing the limit and hitting harder and harder...just seeing how hard it can be before DH tells her to stop. DH knows that I won't play around with this subject (although, I'm sure he thinks I am exaggerating). SD and I don't play that way, so if she does ever hit will be for real...and the cops will be called at once. To be honest, as physically threatening as she is with others, I don't doubt that it will come to that some day...
When is the right time to
When is the right time to call the police? Again, I've read enough material on the subject and it say nip it immediately, do nit tolerate it because it will not get better. And...if you have other children they will mimic that behavior as well. When not if she does it again, what are you going to do? Are you going to wait until she really really really hurts you like stabbing you or actually aiming for your face, stomach or heart before the police know about it. No act of physical volence is excusable nor should it be tolerated. Especially by a child toward a parent. It's probably one of the most difficult things you will do, but it's either now or later when it's worse.
Well, I don't know how this
Well, I don't know how this happened but somehow that ipod got a HUGE crack down the screen, darn I guess she won't be able to see all the videos and pics and playlists on it anymore...... }:) serves the little shit right. I have discussed the whole cop thing with a couple people and have decided that I won't call this time ONLY because I prob should have done it right away, at this point she has had enough time at her moms to come up with the reason she threw it at me was cause she was afraid to come near me OMG give me a fucking break, I was not going to harm her physically in any way (as much as I wanted to knock her the fuck out)but now she is going to throw the abuse thing around, I have no witnesses to back me up ugh! Her mother has already called child protective services on us with a bogus story which of course they found nothing but I don't need that shit again. Believe me, the next time and oh yes there will b a next time I will not blink before I call the cops on her sorry ass! Oh the juvi idea, yeah she WANTS to go to juvi, she has said it, her friends have told her its not that bad when they have gone and she says she wants to see what its like, I hope she gets her ass handed to her when she gets there I'm sure it will be soon too being that she is a sexually active 14 year old that has sex with boys in the "tunnels" (discusting!) And smokes weed, steals from stores, and can't even go a quarter of the school year without getting suspended. I think her staying with us may be coming to an end soon AMEN her and her mom are playing their fucking games again and DH has had it with her, let her piece of shit mom deal with what she has taught her worthless kid!