Crazy is in a healthy, adult relationship
Just kidding! But she has been dating a guy for maybe 7 or 8 months? And they have broken up approximately 8 times in the past 3 months, according to SS17. Crazy and SD14 just went with him to his family's for Thanksgiving, and they have already broken up, again. Lol. These are grown ass adults, how do they think this is normal behavior?? Aside from his questionable relationship choices, he seems to be a normal, nice person with a respectable career, so it boggles the mind that he is entertaining her crap. His career also is the type where one false report by her and he would lose it- which she would absolutely do, and has done to others, including myself and DH. Curious when he will learn she is not worth all this trouble.
Also, SS told us that Crazy's older son who is 24-25 now, was living in his car (again) with 3 cats and a dog, so Crazy made him get rid of the animals and then allowed him to stay with them temporarily. This kid hasn't been able to hold a job or apt. since he started stealing from his first job when he was 16, and Crazy sent him to live with her sister. Yet she has the nerve to try and criticize every detail of DH's parenting.
Skids come tonight and I have nervous tummy- SD14 was getting bullied last week, so Crazy let her stay home Thurs, Fri, and she asked DH if she could stay home today but he told her no- she has to go back sometime, and the school actually did take action and moved her classes so she is no longer in class with these girls. I feel bad for her and messaged her some things this wknd that I thought may help her, but also, she did escalate the situation by making a mean comment about one of their parents...
DH has been talking to SS as if he didn't lie to our faces repeatedly and then not care about it at all- I know DH plans to talk to him tonight about it, and DH thinks I should talk to SS myself separately because he knows "I will be much firmer and make a point", and he thinks it will be helpful. I'm just like, wait- you're going to have this mild convo with him where nothing happens, and I'm supposed to be the bad guy? Hm... I honestly don't want anything to do with it except for DH to handle it appropriately for once, without me forcing him to or having to be the one to do it myself. If he doesn't, I don't see how I will be able to act like everything is fine. Fair or not, I have this resentment towards SS sometimes because DH constantly does everything for him and only thinks "sternly talking to him" is the solution, despite repeated subsequent behavior and the pattern showing that SS will just do it again. So doing nothing in this instance is not going to help that. DH claims he is on board with "some sort of consequences, depending on SS's response to their talk", but we will see.....
I'm just trying to make it through til Friday- I'm going to Vegas Fri-Sun with friends so it's a short skid week for me!!
- TrueNorth77's blog
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The Girhippo
The all American, corn fed, girl next door, church lady, pillar of the community, soccer mom who rose like a phoenix from the ashes of divorce (TM) went through several flavs of the week during her internet dating spree until she could find a guy she could lead around by the nose and use as an ATM (StepdaddyBigBucks).
I honestly cannot believe this guy is still with her. This is her longest relationship since DH and her split up 8+ years ago. 7 months seems to be all it takes before they see the crazy and run for the hills. I don't usually wish ill on anyone, but for her I secretly hope she never finds a StepdaddyBigBucks and is poor the rest of her life. And also contracts a really uncomfy and embarrassing STD.
What is sad to me is that
What is sad to me is that trash seems to repeatedly find facilitators that tolerate their stench.
People must have zero understanding of quality of character and quality relationships to tolerate the trash.
The good news is that sometimes good people escape the web of the trash.
Most sad, is that the kids who are cursed to have been spawned by trash almost never escape.
So true
SS seems determined to run, not walk away from her, but SD doesn't see that her mom and older homeless brother are trash and continue to live a trashy lifestyle. I'm afraid she will fall into it too, despite our attempts, since she worships both of them, but we can only do so much...