O/T: super funny blog
Yes I know this is off topic but I recently stumbled upon something that always makes me laugh. It's this woman's blog who does all of her own illustrations. Besides this site, i'm not really much of a blog reader but this person is hillarious imo. I kind of have a sick and simple sense of humor, so not everyone may agree, but just figured i would leave the url on here if anyone needed a little pick me up!
- tofurkey's blog
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Love it!
Love it!
Have you guys ever listened
Have you guys ever listened to the "dramatic reading of a breakup letter" If you havn't do it, it's sooooo funny. Its on her blog page I think under "things that make me laugh"
Lol i love the spider one, DH
Lol i love the spider one, DH did as well! She has one on her main page about her dogs and how they reacted to the move they made that's pretty damn funny too.
lol yes! i want to meet the
lol yes! i want to meet the foolish dog!
haha yea we have a simple dog
haha yea we have a simple dog here. we did the "tests" she had on there to see how smart he was...he failed with flying colors lol
OMG!!! I can't even finish
OMG!!! I can't even finish reading it! I just put on my "face" to run some errands and I'm laughing so hard I'm crying and ruining all my hard work! I'm going to have to save it for later.
My own simple dogs thought something was wrong with me because of the strange noises I was making when I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard!
that's what i call it when i
I kind of did a snort laugh while i was reading the newer one and our simpleton hid under the table
Oh I'm obsessed with her blog
Oh I'm obsessed with her blog and have been reading it for months. It is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Here are a few of my favs:
OK, you have to look at this
OK, you have to look at this one. Make sure you watch the video too!
omg she is such a riot! her
omg she is such a riot! her bf is pretty flipping funny too. i agree, geese are evil!
LMAO!! at the close talkers
LMAO!! at the close talkers bit. Thanks for the laugh, I will absolutely be bookmarking..