O/T: Dh just doesn't get it!
Sooooo on the weekdays I always cook something for dinner. I don't mind cooking, but by the end of the week I'm ready to not cook for the weekend. I also get things from the grocery store to make b.fast on the weekends pancakes, eggs benedict, crepes, etc. So when the weekend hits, DH will take me out for dinner Sat and Sun. No matter how many times I ask DH for him to please decide where to go for dinner on the weekends it always ends in this same convo (like this past weekend)
DH: So where do you want to go to dinner tonight?
Me: Well, where would you like to take me?
DH: I don't care, you decide!
Me: Sweetheart, I decide what we are having for dinner all week long, on the weekends I would really love it if you would just decide, or atleast give me some options.
DH: But I want you to decide and be happy
Me: I WILL be happy if you just pick somewhere and surprise me!
DH: Okay, you pick anywhere in XXX town we live
Me: Seriously???
DH: I don't know, just pick!
Me: Arghhh...It would be really nice if like sometime you would just say "put something nice on baby, I've made reservations for us tonight and I want to surprise you" That would be romantic.
DH: So, now i'm not romantic enough for you?
Me: That's not my point, PLEASE just pick!
DH: Well, where do you want to go?
Me: (banging head off window) Let's just go to Taco Bell then!!!!!!
So, that's what we did....Of all the nice dinners I make during the week, all the from scratch desserts and fresh breakfasts, I get taco bell....Why doesn't he get it? How many times do I have to have the same argument with him? It's the same thing every weekend! I love him to death but OMG!!!
- tofurkey's blog
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Are you eating dinner with my
Are you eating dinner with my DH on weekends too because this sounds very familiar?!?!??! Here is something I have learned to do - when you get to the point in the conversation with the back and forth when you are about to bang your head on the window, suggest somewhere he hates. I always do this. I mentally catalog places that he thinks he has gotten food poisoning from, found a hair in the food, has terrible service, or if he has just recently been there for lunch or something and won't want to go back. THEN when we go back and forth "you decide, you decide, no you decide, but I don't care you decide, I dont' want ot decide, but I don't know, etc." THEN I say "Ok, I would really like to go __________" And then he makes a face and says "oh. I really don't want to go there." then I say "OK, well I tried so it's your turn to pick somewhere."
I can't believe he hasn't figured out I am doing this on purpose yet.
Lol saddly enough I have
Lol saddly enough I have tried this tactic many times before. It doesn't work because when I do suggest "icky place" he will be like "sure" and then I get pissed because I know he doesn't like it, he's just being a turd, and then we just start back at the beginning again :?
Well then my big idea won't
Well then my big idea won't work. Maybe you could put the names of places you like in a hat and draw it out and that is where you go. No taco bell.
Me, I'd pick the most
Me, I'd pick the most expensive place I like every single time.
lol that reminds me of my dh!
lol that reminds me of my dh! he's a very picky eater and doesnt like to try new places all that often, but I love to try new places, so anytime that "you pick, no you pick" stuff starts up, I suggest somewhere new and he'll say nooo and i say well you said I could pick so now we are going! and then he gives in lol. Maybe you can be on the lookout for new places that are about to open, or places you've never had before, or even look in the phone book and just pick a place and have a list of restaurants to choose from when the back and forth bickering starts up.
Oh, I am the same exact way!
Oh, I am the same exact way! I love all different genres of food, and I loveeee going to new places. We live in a small area where nothing really exciting goes on, so when we do new things here it's the highlight of the week lol. Butttt, DH is a terrible picky eater as well. He only likes certain kinds of foods at certain kinds of places. It drives me NUTS!!
tofurkey - tell you DH on
tofurkey - tell you DH on Tuesday that you will be getting dressed up on Saturday and at 6PM you will be sitting at the kitchen table waiting for him to tell you to get in the car and take you to the restaurant that he picked out and tell him that if you have to wait more than 15 minutes he is in big trouble - that way he has 4 days to pick a place and make reservations - tell him he needs to pick a place and that he needs to make reservations and that this is very important to you and that yes you don't think he is being romantic at all if you have to pick the place out every weekend - now just remember if you don't like a certain type of food or place you will have to suck it up and act like you are enjoying it because you are making him pick the place.
I am the planner in our family but every now and again DH will call me up and tell me by Wednesday that I need to get a baby sitter for DD that he is taking me out Saturday and won't tell me where it is that we are going and I will get all dressed up and then he will surprise me. Sometimes I like the place and sometimes not but I never complain because then he will stop planning these nights!! Hubby is not the most romantic man on the face of the earth but let me tell you those nights that he plans and I get to just sit back and enjoy are the best!!

That's so sweet, I'm happy
That's so sweet, I'm happy your DH does that for you!
That was some excellent advice, I will deff try that this weekend, thanks !!!!!