Upcoming Holidays
Lord help me I spoke too soon recently about NOT having any issues with SDs....until the freaking HOLIDAYS are upcoming and SDs get ALL freaked out about them, esp. SD12. Who wants all the trappings but doesn't want to help or do anything but reap the benefits.
1) Halloween. Not a holiday in my book. Barely any discussion about this so far. SD12 will be hanging out with friends and both SDs and their friends will be let loose on the neighborhood. They will have to be driven to another part of the 'hood, but I'm going to contact friends over there so DH and I can have some great home-grown beer while they do the candy thing. I refuse to have any participation at all unless it's dealing with beer.
2) Thanksgiving. I'm not requesting any time off this year. I'll get a couple days anyway, so DH and I can have a quiet holiday alone. BM has SDs each Thanksgiving for 5 days. SD12 will complain INCESSANTLY about it - DH the other weeks mentioned maybe she would like to have Thx with US someday instead...in my mind I'm screaming NOOOOOOOOooooooo! We usually take that time for ourselves and have a little vacation. So NO! FFS NO!
3) Xmas. Not my fave holiday as many of you know. I have asked for a couple extra days off at work (this will give me extra baking time - the neighbors will love it). Gifts will be small and few from me (one gift one gift card, that's it - and if there's any complaining I will march over and take them away...I really will). I'll cook and bake (which I like to do). DH knows my terms. Anyway, convo from last night at dinner....
SD12: Can we have crab legs from Costco at Xmas again?
Me: No.
SD12: (shocked look on face) Why not?!
Me: Because we bought them last year and you two hardly at any of it. There was a ton left over and that won't happen again.
Me: (look at DH because we discussed this already and agreed to NO feast like last year...he's just looking at me with this pained expression because one cannot say "No" to a skid)
SD12: But, it's so good!
Me: I know, and I'm not going through the expense and time to have so much food left again. YOU two requested the meal, we agreed and almost nothing was eaten because you filled up on chocolate.
SD12: What did we have again besides the crab...?
Me: You wanted the big prawns, salmon and I think there was some chicken for SD10...along with some sides. And most if it was hardly touched. So not again this year. DH and I will decide on the food.
DH: We really had all that?
Me: OMG - YES. I cooked it all!
SD12: Maybe we can have tacos this year?
Me: That would be ok with me. (we all love my tacos)
SD12: Daddy! We can have tacos for Xmas!
DH: No. I'm not having tacos. Maybe a turkey. We'll have turkey.
Me: That's ok too.
Me: Hey, you know we aren't supposed to be discussing Xmas yet, not until AFTER Halloween.
SD12: You never said that.
Me: Yep, I did last weekend.
SD12: No, you didn't!
Me: You didn't want to hear it but I did.
SD12: No, you didn't!
Me: silence...(whatever)
SD12: (tries discussing decoration for Xmas with SD10 which has thankfully been directed to decoration of her room only NOT the house itself)
SD10: Not until after Halloween!
LOL - right on SD10.
- Cover1W's blog
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I know about the Halloween
I know about the Halloween thing...due apologies.
I do reap the benefit of getting the chocolate with peanuts/peanut butter b/c SD12 hates it. So there's that. And the beer.
And I'm not cooking like that again for sure unless it's just DH and I.
...and the bonus is DH likes cooking turkey/chicken so he'll likely do that part for me.
Boo on your DH for his pained
Boo on your DH for his pained expression. I would have simply left it as, "No Christmas discussions until after Halloween." and then stuck with "We're not doing a huge feast like last year because we had too many leftovers.
Wow you're nice. I'd have
Wow you're nice. I'd have told them not until after thanksgiving. Geez. It feels earlier every year.
SD starts in AUGUST with the
SD starts in AUGUST with the Xmas stuff.
So I've agreed after Halloween is acceptable.
Her Bday is also Dec 15. I forgot about that one.
Cover you are saying too much
Aergia - We will decorate the house and have a big tree with white trimmings only and lights all over the place...
Acra: mmm that's nice.... (I'm not buying anything and I'm not doing anything, if she wants it she can do it and buy it)
Aergia: We can have this or that for dinner.... and dessert
Acra: mmm that's nice (thinking WTF you are going to cook all of that, cause I planned something differently, but go ahead)
Christmas rolls around - nothing is done, Aergia asks where's the food, I reply... but you said this and that will be for dinner, why did you not cook it? We all thought you here going to do it cause you said so....
Aergia storms off to her room, 20min later BM picks her up... rest of the people can have a nice day with the usual food we do }:)
any shitty idea Aergia comes up with, I simply say mmmm that's nice.... and nothing ever happens, I know how she works, she snaps her fingers and we have to jump... we do not jump anymore... thus nothing comes of it
Yeah, I know. It was one of
Yeah, I know. It was one of those times I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
I wasn't PO'd though.
I just mostly dislike the holiday season and the pressure that it all makes.
I usually either ignore or give the "that's nice" or "ask your dad."
SD12 was on a roll about whatever last night. Ate only plain pasta and ice cream.
I was silent then headed to bed a little early to read.
THAT was nice.