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Calm waters or So we thought!

texaswonder028's picture

Our visitation has changed slightly due to the fact that she was playing games. So instead of having SS every weekend, we now get him every Thursday from 6 -8pm and 1st, 3rd & 5th weekends. BF started a new job the last of April. He doesn't get off work soon enough to pick up his son by 6:00pm, so I am now the official picker upper. Which is great, less contact with BM since it is all suppose to be about her. Surprisingly this went over extremely well. I would show up at the scheduled time to pick him up and drop him off. This is definitely too good to be true. The last time I was over there I stayed for 30mins, while she talked in general about her work, SS and the babysitter she has and important things happening in her life. I was kinda tooken back because I am not much for being pals with the enemy. But I took it all in stride and was social, she also made the comment that she would like to be able to get along and be friendly because we are all adults. Well said! I thought to myself. Let's see how this goes.
Well like I said spoke too soon! Last night not even 5 hrs later we receive a phone call from a friend who has no idea who is the baby's momma is. He called to let us know that she was at the local bar drunk and telling people that BF doesn't pay his child support and bumming money from people so she can buy diapers and said I was a "fat bitch." NICE!!!!! First of all the child support is taken directly out of his paycheck each week . Second she can afford to get drunk but no money for diapers. I am so pissed at her! The guy who called only new it was BF, because she was saying BF's name... So now what? I am suppose to pretend that this doesn't bother me? Cause it sure the hell does! I want to rip that bitche's head off and shit down her thoat!!! But that is the adult way of doing things according to her. It's funny cause while she was spilling her guts about her life and family problems, she mentioned how she quit drinking a month ago. So much for that. I know I need to keep my mouth shut and be the bigger person, because she was probably drunk. But, I can't stand how she is trying to run BF in the ground, when he is the best damn father to this baby and would do anything if he could get full custody of him. Sorry to ramble.... I was so mad I didn't sleep well last night and the baby woke up several times throughout the night. I just kept reminding myself at 2:00am, 3:30am, & 5:45am that we have the best part out of all of this a precious 8 mo old little boy. It's nice how she can go, get drunk and bash us while she gives no regard to her son. Time will only tell and she will hang herself with her lifestyle and BF dream of having him will soon come true.


dbsojo's picture

that she will eventually hang herself, if she keeps up with that sort of life style (and can I just say that if she "quit" drinking a month ago, I certainly hope she isn't breast feeding). As for the terrible things she said, a lot of gals do that. Just wait until she starts doing it in front of the kid when it's old enough to understand what she's saying. Yeah, the courts couldn't care less about that. But it is very wise to:

1. Keep your mouth shut, at least around her. Talking about the situation or her only gives her ammo with which to go to court. Not that you wouldn't be right, it just wouldn't be wise.

2. Make a mental note of this situation. Understand that she will probably kiss your ass to your face, and say all sorts of mean stuff later on. She's two-faced. Hope for the best, expect the worst, and document, document, document. Mic and I deal with this one a lot. Just try to appreciate the drama free time, just don't get comfortable with it, or expect it to last. And, of course, don't tell her ANYTHING that could in any way be miscontrued by her.

Good luck.

Cruella's picture

I agree with dbsojo DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. I know you would LOVE to confront her but then she will have won. She got to you. I would not let her know ANYTHING about yourself. Don't talk to her. Believe me with people like her not knowing anything will drive them nuts. Not responding, not getting mad. She will eventually overstep her boundaries or violate the court order trying to get control in your household. You will have HER then.

My skids BM is the same way. She hasn't called the kids in weeks. We are wondering what is she up to now. The kids are wondering where is Mom.